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skip warning and nag for AVIC F900BT 4.001000 update

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any progress?


upd 12.10.2009, just comments

mainmenu.exe v3.1 use this code for make PowerUp warning

.text:0002FF0C             loc_2FF0C
.text:0002FF0C B0 30 9F E5                 LDR     R3, =_Instance_AL_MenuControl__SAPAV1_XZ
.text:0002FF10 0F E0 A0 E1                 MOV     LR, PC
.text:0002FF14 00 F0 93 E5                 LDR     PC, [R3]
.text:0002FF18 00 30 90 E5                 LDR     R3, [R0]
.text:0002FF1C AC 20 9F E5                 LDR     R2, =186A7
.text:0002FF20 01 10 A0 E3                 MOV     R1, #1
.text:0002FF24 0F E0 A0 E1                 MOV     LR, PC
.text:0002FF28 04 F0 93 E5                 LDR     PC, [R3,#4] ;ForwardScreenChange(UIN_WIN_PLCaution)

so, i try write few additional bytes, for automaticaly press OK.


.text:0002FF2C DB A9 00 EA                 B       sub_5A6A0
.text:0005A6A0             sub_5A6A0
.text:0005A6A0 0F 00 2D E9                 STMFD   SP!, {R0-R3}
.text:0005A6A4 08 D0 4D E2                 SUB     SP, SP, #8
.text:0005A6A8 24 20 9F E5                 LDR     R2, =sub_5A6E0
.text:0005A6AC 00 30 A0 E3                 MOV     R3, #0
.text:0005A6B0 00 10 A0 E3                 MOV     R1, #0
.text:0005A6B4 00 00 A0 E3                 MOV     R0, #0
.text:0005A6B8 04 30 8D E5                 STR     R3, [sP,#0x18+var_14]
.text:0005A6BC 00 30 8D E5                 STR     R3, [sP,#0x18+var_18]
.text:0005A6C0 CF 30 FF EB                 BL      CreateThread
.text:0005A6C4 AE 30 FF EB                 BL      CloseHandle
.text:0005A6C8 08 D0 8D E2                 ADD     SP, SP, #8
.text:0005A6CC 0F 00 BD E8                 LDMFD   SP!, {R0-R3}
.text:0005A6D0 3A 56 FF EA                 B       nullsub_3
.text:0005A6D4 E0 A6 05 00 off_5A6D4       DCD sub_5A6E0
.text:0005A6E0             sub_5A6E0
.text:0005A6E0 00 40 2D E9                 STMFD   SP!, {LR}
.text:0005A6E4 44 00 9F E5                 LDR     R0, =0x7D0
.text:0005A6E8 0D 31 FF EB                 BL      Sleep
.text:0005A6EC 40 40 9F E5                 LDR     R4, =HMILib_SendMessage
.text:0005A6F0 00 30 A0 E3                 MOV     R3, #0
.text:0005A6F4 00 20 A0 E3                 MOV     R2, #0
.text:0005A6F8 0F 10 A0 E3                 MOV     R1, #0xF
.text:0005A6FC 01 00 A0 E3                 MOV     R0, #1
.text:0005A700 0F E0 A0 E1                 MOV     LR, PC
.text:0005A704 00 F0 94 E5                 LDR     PC, [R4]
.text:0005A708 24 40 9F E5                 LDR     R4, =HMILib_SendMessage
.text:0005A70C 24 30 9F E5                 LDR     R3, =0x1900190
.text:0005A710 01 20 A0 E3                 MOV     R2, #1
.text:0005A714 02 1C A0 E3+                MOVL    R1, 0x201
.text:0005A71C 01 00 A0 E3                 MOV     R0, #1
.text:0005A720 0F E0 A0 E1                 MOV     LR, PC
.text:0005A724 00 F0 94 E5                 LDR     PC, [R4]
.text:0005A728 01 00 A0 E3                 MOV     R0, #1
.text:0005A72C 00 80 BD E8                 LDMFD   SP!, {PC}
.text:0005A730 D0 07 00 00 dword_5A730     DCD 0x7D0
.text:0005A734 B8 B2 06 00 off_5A734       DCD HMILib_SendMessage
.text:0005A738 90 01 90 01 dword_5A738     DCD 0x1900190


but i found other problem, "maps and delay".

in this case - i wait two seconds for press OK.

for my locations(my maps just 20MB) - 0 seconds - also good waiting time,

but for my frends - 2 seconds waiting - so small time, and solutions don't working.

so, need additional testing. for US maps size.

i prepare archive with mainmenu with different delay, from 2 to 15 seconds,

this time need for load maps.


if you can find lover delay from archive -

in good case you see maps,

in bad case you see TopMenu with dest/phone/av icons.


so, write you seconds, and we add two seconds and post good file in first post.


archive for testing:

/// link removed

no need test all, just start for 02s seconds, if ok - no need additional step.

if wrong, try like 05s folder ....


UPD. looking new version


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Ok, well my unit just crashed. I don't know if this was mod was the cause though. The screen just hard locked and would not respond to button presses but my Ipod kept on playing and I could control volume.




------------------ Crash Log Begin -------------------



Current System time: "2009-10-13 04:22:32"

Build: Built @ May 15 2009 - 07:58:15


Memory Stats:


FreeMemory: 102 MB, 256 KB, 0 B

TotalUseableMemory: 122 MB, 4 KB, 0 B

MaxMemory: 128 MB, 0 KB, 0 B

ReservedMemory: 3 MB, 0 KB, 0 B

ActualCacheSize: 1 MB, 77 KB, 877 B

GarbageSize: 0 MB, 0 KB, 0 B





Process Name PID BaseAddr ParentPID PrioBase


ezrider 0xd960d666 0x1a000000 0x00000000 0x00000003



Modules Name BaseAddr BaseSize


synth_83swf11.dll 0x01300000 0x00021000

domain_mngr.dll 0x01330000 0x00010000

edct.dll 0x013a0000 0x00014000

xlit_1252.dll 0x013c0000 0x00009000

vf_samantha_red.dll 0x013f0000 0x00036000

g2p_enu.dll 0x01430000 0x000fc000

stdpp_enu.dll 0x01530000 0x0003c000

rettt.dll 0x01570000 0x00014000

xcoder.dll 0x01590000 0x0000a000

dcteg.dll 0x015a0000 0x0000a000

ttsengine.dll 0x015b0000 0x0001e000

combrk.dll 0x01b40000 0x0000d000

comrsrc.dll 0x01b50000 0x00012000

rssoloapi.dll 0x01b70000 0x00016000

oleaut32.dll 0x03960000 0x0002f000

toolhelp.dll 0x03fe0000 0x00005000

ole32.dll 0x03990000 0x0002e000

coredll.dll 0x02b80000 0x0008d000




Threads TID BasePrio DeltaPrio


0xd7c89fd6 250 0

0xf7ddd962 251 0

0x77ddd986 251 0

0x77de2fb6 251 0

0x77de8926 251 0

0x77de8242 251 0

0x77de8e72 251 0

0x77de8f8e 251 0

0x77de8fc2 251 0

0x77e1ab52 251 0

0x77e1a6ae 251 0

0x77e1a59a 251 0

0x77e1a416 251 0

0x77e1a2a2 251 0

0x38f36fce 252 1

0xdb298642 251 0




WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file \My Flash Disk\APL\..\APL2\iGo\ezrider.map not found):


0x1a4adb9c (A)

0x1a4adab8 (A)

0x1a4acf08 (A)

0x1a4ad004 (A)

0x1a095c30 (A)

0x1a095ffc (A)

0x1a0955d8 (A)

0x1a032978 (A)

0x1a032814 (A)

0x1a3def34 (A)

0x1a450f34 (A)

0x1a369b18 (A)

0x1a03ad44 (A)

0x02b9df80 (A)



Global status:


bInFocus: 0

bMouseDown: 0

bInLogic: 0

bInRender: 0

CurrentState[128]: st_NavigateMap

GPS Pos: (-84.263953,30.474598)

Camera: pos:(-84.262572,30.476148) rot:2481 persp:0 zoom:170.000000 eng=0)



State queue:


0. st_NavigateMap









map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b2

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a8

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a0

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a2

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a1

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b2

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b3

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18995

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b8

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18994

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18997

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a1899f

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189ac

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189ab

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b1

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18998

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a1899e

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189ab

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a7

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a0

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b4

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b8

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18995

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189b9

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189af

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18997

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189ac

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18996

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a1899e

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a18996

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a189a1

map\Basemap.fbl ver:0x02bd time:0x48a1899f

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685761

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68575e

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68576e

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68576a

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68575f

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685768

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68575e

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68576b

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685767

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685760

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685765

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685769

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a685760

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68575b

map\Canada83TA_2009.06_090723.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a68575c

map\USA_Alabama83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e1b

map\USA_Alaska83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e1a

map\USA_Arizona83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e1c

map\USA_Arkansas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e1b

map\USA_California83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e1d

map\USA_California83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e22

map\USA_California83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e25

map\USA_California83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e21

map\USA_California83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e1e

map\USA_California83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e23

map\USA_Colorado83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e26

map\USA_Connecticut83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e26

map\USA_Delaware83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e27

map\USA_District_Of_Columbia83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e69

map\USA_Florida.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a310a6b

map\USA_Florida.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a310a72

map\USA_Georgia83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e2e

map\USA_Georgia83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e2f

map\USA_Hawaii83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e30

map\USA_Idaho83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e3c

map\USA_Illinois83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e31

map\USA_Illinois83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e32

map\USA_Indiana83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e3d

map\USA_Iowa83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e3b

map\USA_Kansas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e3e

map\USA_Kentucky83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e3f

map\USA_Louisiana83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e42

map\USA_Maine83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e4c

map\USA_Maryland83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e49

map\USA_Massachusetts83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e48

map\USA_Michigan83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e43

map\USA_Michigan83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e44

map\USA_Minnesota83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e4d

map\USA_Mississippi83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e4e

map\USA_Missouri83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e46

map\USA_Missouri83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e47

map\USA_Montana83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e50

map\USA_Nebraska83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e57

map\USA_Nevada83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e5e

map\USA_New_Hampshire83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e5a

map\USA_New_Jersey83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e5d

map\USA_New_Mexico83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e5d

map\USA_New_York83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e51

map\USA_New_York83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e52

map\USA_North_Carolina83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e53

map\USA_North_Dakota83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e56

map\USA_Ohio83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e5f

map\USA_Ohio83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e62

map\USA_Oklahoma83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e63

map\USA_Oregon83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e63

map\USA_Pennsylvania83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e64

map\USA_Pennsylvania83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e66

map\USA_Rhode_Island83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e68

map\USA_South_Carolina83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e6c

map\USA_South_Dakota83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e6d

map\USA_Tennessee83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e76

map\USA_Texas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e70

map\USA_Texas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e72

map\USA_Texas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e71

map\USA_Texas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e73

map\USA_Texas83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e72

map\USA_Utah83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e77

map\USA_Vermont83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e7b

map\USA_Virgin_Islands83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e7b

map\USA_Virginia83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e78

map\USA_Washington83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e7c

map\USA_Waters83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e19

map\USA_Waters83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e18

map\USA_West_Virginia83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e84

map\USA_Wisconsin83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e7d

map\USA_Wyoming83TA_2009.06_090710.fbl ver:0x02d0 time:0x4a574e85



------------------- Crash Log End --------------------



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i make new version for testing :oops:


i just skip warning screen, but press MAP button.

i think it better, no NAG screen, and working faster, smaller delay, but you hear sound in this case.

(i set delay for 0.001 sec, for my 20 Mb masp folder - it working OK)


it for 3.010100/3.020100 version.


upd. i aslo go test :oops:

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so, at this moment we has only two way, for skip power up navigation warning.

1) after warning - press OK button.

2) skip warning and press MAP button.


also, we has problem, for both case - we need delay with pressing,

and maps or poi size interact with this delay.


so, i share archive with two ways, and different delay for both way.

for my avic - both way with 0s delay -- forking fine,

but if solutions don't work, and you using skin or map, other from my,

try select other file, with longer delay.


so, all file inside http://www.4shared.com/file/140653868/1 ... _warn.html


p.s. fixed commonlib.dll also need for this case, in this post - just power up additional.

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