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About Philfry

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  1. Does the backup camera on the nex support dynamic guide lines? For instance I've seen on some cars e lines will tilt if you turn the steering wheel while backing up. I just had my oem camera retained with my nex5000 but it seems the guide lines are static.
  2. I've been frustrated with my 5000nex because when my iPhone 6 is connected over usb1 I noticed the audio quality is not very good. Pioneer tech support recommended to check the s.rtrv setting but it was on mode 1. Bluetooth sounds amazing compared to usb1 so I disabled CarPlay to see what would happen. All of a sudden the usb1 audio quality was just as good as Bluetooth. I'm disappointed that I have to disable CarPlay but I would rather have the superior sound quality. I wanted to post this in case someone else noticed this issue.
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