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About Ivoo

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  1. Ja heb het allemaal volgens de regels gedaan morgen even een frisse start proberen. Eerst even de update van de software opnieuw doen en dan de map nog maal proberen.
  2. Today tried with all adjustments to my F940BT he asked the password and started again, then asked again the pasword. new attempt tomorrow. Vandaag geprobeerd met alle aanpassingen op mijn F940BT hij vroeg het password en starte opnieuw op en vroeg toen weer het pasword. morgen nieuwe poging.
  3. done every step. this won't work for me he ask re enter the pass. Path: USER\PRG0\APL\RenewalIFLib.dll or is this file same where els on the machine
  4. BigGurro This update is not hacked jet. we share this and wait til someone hack it.
  5. Now my question. there is already someone who has this card running on a F940BT
  6. Is the link https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B3I8g0z3jQBJT3k1RGVsU0QtY3M&export=download Pass for .Zip PM Flomsen Or me This file is not cracked jet
  7. yes. but I understand that I can better use a windows computer.
  8. First of all sorry for my bad english. If I have a SD or USB with .mp3 music playing on my radio, I see files that can not be seen on my mac. See picture what can I do about this. greeting Ivo
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