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About gotofbi

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  1. Great work once again! Now back to original thread, have you try to change model from model_dat_info? I guess thats the only place left that indicate difference between x000 and x100 model.
  2. Congratulation! May I ask how did you dump NOR? Did you use JTAG?
  3. If you downloaded same file that I downloaded, its rar5 archive and I believe theres no good utility to unpack except official 'unrar' http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarosx-5.3.b1.tar.gz its command line tool by the way.
  4. $ sudo fdisk avic_5000nex_sd.img Disk: avic_5000nex_sd.img geometry: 980/255/63 [15759360 sectors] Signature: 0xAA55 Starting Ending #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1: 83 513 0 1 - 522 127 16 [ 1050624 - 20480] Linux files* 2: 83 523 0 1 - 532 127 16 [ 1071104 - 20480] Linux files* 3: 05 533 0 1 - 1023 127 16 [ 1091584 - 2482176] Extended DOS 4: 83 1023 127 16 - 1023 127 16 [ 3573760 - 11468800] Linux files* Signature: 0
  5. @AdamOutler http://lifehacker.com/how-to-clone-your-raspberry-pi-sd-card-for-super-easy-r-1261113524 This is super easy way to restore 8gb img file to sdcard. If you are on mac or linux, use dd to restore. Just grab random 8gb sdcard and follow instruction. after restoring is done, insert this newly created sdcard into your 8100 Remember, you have to put this sdcard inside of unit, not front panel (not even sure 8100 has sd slot on front tho)
  6. https://fail0verflow.com/media/img/avic/cpu-top-large.jpg MX29LV640ETTI is 64Mbit NOR flash that contains U-Boot Not sure if Pioneer going to lock it or not, but make sure to dump before you insert into 8100 I remember that reading post that NEX automatically locks SDCard with the password that stored inside flash. So, make sure to try dump first, otherwise you would not be able to dump it anymore (unless you have password)
  7. Before considering about password, we dont even have proper way to dump SD card with password. fail0verflow used Novena with custom kernel to get over this problem. I dont think anybody in this forum has Novena. So as I mentioned previously, making Raspberry Pi to support CMD42 is necessary to dump SD card (Not sure it will work or not though)
  8. I am considering about ordering 5000NEX. Here are things that I would approach to achieve everything that people want. 1. Find a way to install custom app to any NEX. This will bring us the power to run shell script and more over, rooting the device. With root access, we should be able to bring partition map really easily so we can compare x0xx and x1xx devices. 2. If we achieve Number1, we may seek a way to dump NOR flash. As fail0verflow mentioned, the SD password is stored on flash. With power of dumping NOR flash, we should be able to dump password for any device including
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