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Posts posted by kheller2

  1. Two dumb questions:

    1. On the Z140BH, I previously updated it to the 2015 release using notes in the other threads. But I don't recall having to use any shortfuse hack, although maybe I used test mode.  I think all I did was mod the CARDINFO file and insert the new SD contents and it upgraded.  Why is there a different approach to upgrading with the 2017 this time to bypass the password lock, which I don't recall doing at all on the 2015 update.  (I'm asking this because I used to make hybrid map DVD hacks for the AVIC-90DVD and AVIC-D3 units and I want to be educated)

    2. Has the forum software been updated? I see references all the time to "see post #23" or something like that, but the post #'s no longer show up on the top right of posts, instead there is a report or share link but no post number link.


    Feel free to throw rocks.

  2. This seems more complicated than it is because there are two different AVIC series that use this upgrade: Z-series (Z110/120/130/140) and X-series (x920/930/940). Each series has its own forum. Most of us have been reading both forums ( plus the F-series one) since the knowledge needed is spread out and it is a common solution. To complicate it even more, there are two different sets of files for the US/CAN 2015 upgrade. One set only works with the older units (Z110, Z120, x920) and the other works with newer units (z130, z140, x930, x940).


    With previous upgrades (normally released annually) we only needed one set of files (UPDATE, FIRMWARE directories) and only needed to place on the SD the CardInfo.CIF file for the older or newer units. For some reason that didn't work this year. Many of the UPDATE files differ between the older and newer units. I still don't understand why.


    Keep in mind that you are reading a thread in the Hacks sub-forum forum which is a work-in-progress - not a how-to procedure. It presumes a certain level of expertise. However it seems that the messy details have finally been sorted-out. We now have a very simple process which only requires a little knowledge on using your computer - basically how to download, extract the compressed files, and copy them onto your installation SD.


    Unfortunately links to files sometimes get stale. They all do eventually. For the time being, get your files here:

    Then extract the files, copy UPDATE, FIRMWARE, and CardInfo.CIF to the root of a freshly formatted FAT32 SD, and insert it into your unit.





    Just as an FYI, I installed this on my x940bt and all seems to work well.  However, you can no longer get into the App version screen by holding in the upper left.  Not sure why that would be.


    I'm curious of the process by which getting the latest maps onto these newer systems. My background is hacking the old 80/90 and D3/N3 Nav systems, in particular doing the 40R (remote control, not touch screen) patches up to CNDV-90MT.  I know the new ones require you to use use a code to download the latest maps, and that somehow the devices are encrypted/locked but since its just Windows CE figured there was an easy way to just overlay newer data on the OS image in one of the proper partitions...eventually.   Granted, I still wish I could make my own KWI files for the D3 head for newer maps.

  3. you guys understand that if you are seeding at say 500 kbps to 50 people thats about 10kbps each? the people that are seeding now should just seed to one person at a time. that way we build up the amount of seeders instead of everyone trying to download from 1 or 2 seeders all at once and going up 1% every 12 hours


    Then everyone should stop downloading and let me finish first. :)

  4. I just picked up a used avic-d3 but the RCA harness is missing the rear and sub outs. It seems like a lot of avic gear uses the same connector jacks on the head unit for the RCA breakout or the power harnesses. However, it seems Pioneer has unique part numbers for the D3 vs previous units. The question I have is are any other harnesses compatible with the D3? I'm good at repair work so I have no problem building the correct harness if need be, I would just need the pinouts.


    The D3 cables are around $50 each, and while that may be cheap when compared to the MSRP of the head unit, that is almost a third the cost of a used unit. I see z series cables much cheaper on eBay.



  5. Well, I copied the 40r basic stuff to a 48mb flash card. Then shoved in the 100MTE disc and presto it all works. It seems to look for needed files off the DVD drive first then if it can't find them will look for them on the flash card. Since the 100MT disc no longer has OS files for the avic 80/90 DVDs it looked to the flash card to find them. What led me to that was on occasion the DVD drive won't read a disc and says to insert the appropriate one. Well, last time it started acting up like that I put in the flash card and it booted up the old screens from 2005 with no map data.


    What's this mean? That means all of you people with avic 80/90 NAV systems just need to copy off some files from your last working Nav disc to a flash card then use the latest cndv-100mt discs and you have updated maps. Now I think the last touch screen code was on the 80MT and the last remote control code was 40R. Those of you with remote control units don't put anything in other than the latest 100 or your system will be upgraded to touch code. 90MT might work too, but I haven't checked to see if the OS for the avic 80/90 is still on there.


    Hmm anyone want to give me a old touch screen head unit so I can get rid of this remote control system? :)

  6. No, sorry, I never made any progress. I was able to confirm that while it can read some needed files from the card slot, it doesn't work to copy ALL data over and run diskless. I tried that. It's too bad, 16GB SDHC is now real cheap, I picked up 3 for $20 after rebate. Something needs to be changed in the program code.


    Do you know which ones it did or didn't read in general?


    I'm guessing the unit has to have a DVD/CD disk in with some information on it.. even a bare disk with just DVI.DAT might be enough, but before I go toying around I wanted to find out what your experience was.


    Thanks for anything you may remember.

  7. For the CNDV-100R I think I will try to get the system to boot off flash.

    Since 8GB and 16GB flash card are dirt cheap now...


    While poking around the diagnostics menus on the AVIC-90DVD, I backed up the SRAM to the flash card.


    I then looked at that binary file and it seems to be some sort of DOS file system... even my Unix system thinks so:



    file FILE000.RAM

    FILE000.RAM: x86 boot sector; partition 4: ID=0x49, active, starthead 1, startsector 1394627663, 21337 sectors, Microsoft Windows 98 Bootloader, code offset 0x3e, OEM-ID "PIONAV03", FAT 1, root entries 64, sectors 440 (volumes <=32 MB) , sectors/FAT 2, serial number 0x3d668ea2, unlabeled, FAT (12 bit)



    Hmmm... this is only a 220K file and I think the SRAM is limited to 256K (from the diag menu), but the specs at Pioneer say this has a 32MB SRAM system 32MB is a lot of space to stuff a nice OS. hmmm..

  8. POINT directory is same on 90MTE and 40RE

    SKY directory is same on 90MTE and 40RE

    MARKTP - doesn't exist on 90MTE, took it from 80MTE. did not use 40RE as I did on 80R -<< check works -- I reverted to using the marktp from 40RE as I had some graphic issues-- but that might be because of a messed up dvi.dat file. Note sure. My 70RE used the updated files from 70MTE. Test again when 100MTE comes out.


    SNDDATA - used 40RE on 70R

    Used the 040snd only files from 90MTE. 80MTE and 90MTE have same uc040snd files.

    801e30abe6c0055450f4071c5d17e65d ../../90MTE/snddata/uc040snd.esp

    84932743b7906a01806fed0437c4c8ff ../../90MTE/snddata/uc040snd.fra

    6a930a714590db2acd0c2dac0324ff01 ../../90MTE/snddata/uc040snd.usa


    VOICE - used the 80MTE voicetp uc010vdc* files.

    701 and 801 don't have VOICE dir, they have VOICETP dir and the files differ between 70MTE and 80MTE.


    IDX - took entire 90MTE tree, no merge


    BG - changes and merges

    90MTE and 80MTE are identical in bg and bg2 except the bgopen files

    copy 90MTE bg directory to 90R

    copy 40E to 90R dir

    took 40E bg/*.hcs files

    Took all the 90MTE /bg/pim529/ files to 90RE/bg/pim/ (pim529 are idential to 40RE bg/pim/*.pim files except 90MTE has two additional *2.pim files.

    bg/pinanime/*, 40RE only has city file (identical), but I copied them from 90MTE

    15ca2d54697c1ffdb90af0a7dedc7da1 city.pim

    be7d57ee4f6d0bce21634c285d962ca7 skyline.pim

    cdc53dd8ee9ccfac3ac0ce893d9088fd twilight.pim

    remove the pim529 directory



    in root:

    copy all from 40RE



    for my 2nd try on 90RE I used the ucz files from 90MTE.. apparently this is how I did the 70R - confirmed, using 90MTE ucz files.



    These files are identical on 80MTE and 40R, 90MTE doesn't have *10* files.

    40R has uc010dat files, 801 had uc010dtt files


    916c96f66fb3d4a6414e1dba6f7d8f3c uc010gps.htm

    d46c8e4991c88094f81825f49aa0b4fa uc010gps.prg

    509bbb3fa0e6ac69386cf8c0459a5b03 uc010sys.esp

    8bb3550b409b3a8c98bf773111d6adaf uc010sys.fra

    739aec8e5a8854d38eef77d6cd1058b4 uc010sys.htm

    0524a112bfbb53c7bc532085dcefd89f uc010sys.usa


    From 90MTE:

    alldata.kwi indexdat.kwi kgrpdat.kwi landmark.kwi metadata.kwi rdstmc.kwp region.kwi


    Or if you are lazy, just take the IDX directory and the files just above and put them on a 40R and you are golden.

  9. I'll be testing out a version of the CNDV-90R-East shortly. I'm trying to take as much as possible from the 80MT and 90MT and then overlay the needed pieces from 40R.


    Some other threads about hacking these disks for different DVD units.

    http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic. ... &start=375

    http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 70#p118570


    Also, I think this is the main NEC chip:

    http://www.necel.com/cgi-bin/nesdis/o00 ... e=RX705100

    from the uc010*.prg files

    Copyright © 2001 PIONEER Electronic Corp.

    RX705100 Copyright © NEC 1996-1998

  10. I didn't know about the w key. I will try that. I purchased this car with all this stuff already wired and I've already had to fix a lot of things with the install. The illumination wire isn't hooked up either so at night its a daylight display. I'll get to fixing that soon. I have this installed an a 1993 Toyota MR2 Turbo. The original installers had the wire harnesses run of the engine top and exhaust manifold. They didn't last long that way. HAH


    Btw, what minimal install did you do? the alldata.kwi itself is 3.1GB and the idx directory is 4.1G I'm guessing you did it w/o the idx directory.

  11. You are of course assuming that the unit can boot and completely use the pccard slot. :)


    I don't like having a bright display on when I'm driving at night and would prefer a little digital display instead. But that is just me.

  12. There is a USB "block" driver but I didn't find any USB ports. I'm assuming its a generic style OS that can run on several versions of the hardware. The AVIC-9DVD had and a radio tuner in it I think, or something like that. There is the ATAPI interface to the DVD drive, that might be able to be adapted to say an ATA to flash card device but I also doubt that. The OS knows how to boot from a DVD drive and also it seems how to calibrate it. I am sure, however, there is some hidden way to hook up some type of device to this as they would have to have done a lot of development work on the device w/o actually burning DVDs for every test. Now, they probably had a special development piece of hardware for that, so who knows. (I'm so full of certainties aren't I?)


    The HD nav versions didn't come out until a few years later, what did come out was the updated flash style nav units where you could remove the nav dvd after you set your route. At the moment I'm wondering if there is a touch nav unit that is compatible with most of the gear I already have installed and just pick that up. My TV tuner, and CUE traffic device have already been rendered useless with the changing of times, and I didn't by an XM package (even thought I have the unit). So, hunting on ebay for a unit seems in order. I would want one of the ones that actually show the radio station etc on the bazel of the device instead of having to opening the display up (one of the most annoying things about the unit I have).


    Have you burned a 80R disc yet or even upgraded to the 40 code? It is very different from the previous look and feel.

  13. bg are your background pictures (and some of the copyright screens). You create that directory on the PCCARD as well if you want to add your own jpg files. The jpg and pim files you can open on a standard pc, the HCS files are some type of format I have yet to figure out.


    I always thought the sky directory was information about satellites, but the sky.lst file talks about bmp files.


    You may be right about the 40R being a last minute thing. I have a "Version 1.1 For Traffic" blue dvd, 2001. Then the "Version 1.0 CNDV-20 For Traffic" blue dvd. I see there is a CNDV-21, but no CNDV-30.


    I'm pretty sure the project directories are where they actually built them on their master systems and not where they get installed on the nav system. As for the dates, I also assumed those numbers were the year of release of the data. My confusion comes from the fact there is a 40MT, 50MTP (P?), 60MT, 70MT, 80MT, 90MT (I hope), so if 2007 is on 70MT and 2005 is on 40MT what is on 50 MT because the 50MT says 2005 TeleAtlas data. I bet the 40MT has nn529_04tp and the 40R was a mix between the 2004 MT databases and the CNDV-50R that never came out. Easily checked by looking at a 40MT disk and seeing the Release name and the file dates. For some reason I want to say the 40R came out very late.


    I have a few power points and docs on the kwi file formats. They really don't help much other than to explain exactly how all the little overlays and maps work together either in one large file or spread out into many.

  14. oh.. region.kwi differs on the 40R east vs west disc in addition to all the differences between 80E and 80W. not sure why that would be. It isn't important though.


    Now, I've noticed that a lot of the 40R version information, including the compile directory and voice file versions state: NN529_05RC V1.02. The 80MT disk has NN529_08TP V0.00. Obviously TP is Touch Point (or Pad) and RC is Remote Control. What confuses me is that the 40 dvd uses the 05RC and not 04RC. It makes me want a copy of 50M now.


    The release directory is different too:


    Release Directory : /proj/05apl/bnn529_05rc/release

    Release Directory : /proj/07apl/nn529_07tp/release

    Release Directory : /proj/08apl/nn529_08tp/release


    "bnn" B? I'm beginning to see why not much supported the AVIC-90/80/800 DVD units after 2003.

  15. I would love to have a copy of the service manual. Thank you. You can upload it to that file sharing portal or let me know how to yank it or email.


    From the diagnostic menu I have these versions on my system:


    System Boot 2.01

    System OS 3.03

    GPS Version 2.70

    APP Version 4.000004

    LANG DATA 2.00102b

    Syscon Ver 8.00

    Drive Core Ver 30.00

    Drive Appl Vers 8.31

    TV UCCOM (?) 8.06

    SYS lang UC010SYS.USA

    APP lang UC010DAT.USA


    The UC files are the system OS.

    The EU files are the application. It might be possible to use a new app on the old OS but I doubt it. The newer EU files all are built out of a "tp" directory which I'm assuming is "touch"


    The UC files also seem to be completely compiled from C code as show by the idents:

    $Id: atapi_protocol.c,v 1.5 2002/05/09 09:33:08 hiroaki Exp $

  16. I wanted to get it working on a flash card as well, way easier to play with things than burning DVDs. I actually was going to take my AVIC90 apart to see if there was an ATA header somewhere.


    The diffs between 80E and 80W are the following:


    The contents of the IDX directory




  17. Have at it 8)




    I'll try the updated marktp and sound files one of these days on an 80R and see what they do. I also have the diagnostics password to poke around the system a bit. I forget where I dug that up. I also wrote down all the version information and some of which files do what. Make sure you roll your own DVI.DAT file and not just use the one on 80MT. Take a look at the examples I posted.

  18. I hadn't considered supplying just the 40R pieces. I'll take a look at how big they are. My only concern is that I've never used my hybrids to actually upgrade the OS before, for that I just put the 40R disc in, it then upgraded the system to that level, then I would use the hybrid discs which didn't trigger a software load because of the way I build the one config file.


    I'll consider making an "empty" zip file that only contains directories and 40R files needed to make a working 70R/80R.


    I'm still looking for the elusive CNDV-50R and I also heard there were two versions of the 40R a 1.0 and a 1.1 release but I can't confirm that.

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