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  3. I have an AVIC-8000NEX and this worked well today. I'm planning to upgrade my maps. Will the nag screens reappear after map updates? Also, how do I connect to the AVIC Hacking Slack? Thanks much.
  4. Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Bznj-RmoY
  5. Wenn das geklappt hat, kann man im Menü Einstellungen noch oben links , oben Mitte und anschließen oben rechts für ca. 3 Sekunden drücken, dann kommt ein neues Menü, wo man das Passwort für den Diebstahlschutz ändern kann.
  6. Als Passwort eingeben: <Leerzeichen><Leerzeichen>SERVICE<Leerzeichen>PASS<Leerzeichen>OFF<Leerzeichen> Dann oben wo das Wort Passwort von „Passwort eingeben“ steht, für ca. 5sekunden gedrückt halten. Das hat heute bei mir funktioniert. schaut bei der Eingabe genau, ob ihr alles richtig eingeht. Das war bei mir am Anfang der Fehler. <Leerzeichen> —> nicht schreiben sondern auf die entsprechende Taste drücken
  7. Еще ссылка с google диска: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sDaMW9TXsACqk_IOTaW9k7eKOM2tRlp8/view?usp=drive_link
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  9. About 7 years ago I added the 6000NEX and now the W8600NEX. The truck is a 2006 Chevrolet 3500 with Bose amp removed and speakers were upgraded then. I don't know what interface for steering wheel buttons (but zero amps added, just the head unit)...... But would I really need new interface stuff? (I also had the super-double-secret hack done to use when not parked with ever-brake on) and I've been posting since 2009.....
  10. There is a CD in the unit and whenever I try to eject it says mechanism error. I am wondering if there is a way to force eject or to fix the error. I tried reset button it didn't do anything.
  11. I found the Operating and manage to flash to fix the 8650 firmware error; below is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17eDLHZ37SJ7rvW7x_2t88lNZm4vQoXC1?usp=sharing - using balenaEtcher provided to flash to a 4GB SD card.
  12. I found the Operating and manage to flash to fix the 8650 firmware error; below is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17eDLHZ37SJ7rvW7x_2t88lNZm4vQoXC1?usp=sharing - using balenaEtcher provided to flash to a 4GB SD card.
  13. Hola buenas a todos, estoy arreglando un w202 c240 y he adquirido una pioneer f700bt que al encenderla aparece una pantalla azul y al poco tiempo se apaga. He investigado y era algo conocido pero todos los enlaces y archivos son antiguos, por lo que la descarga de los mismos me es imposible, alguien podria ayudarme porfavor.
  14. Yeah. I know. Sry. lol. It might be a little late
  15. Пришла карта Pioneer CXY8316 с версией прошивки 1.06 Обновил прошивку до 1.07 на своем AVH-Z9200BT и сделал копию, как описано тут: http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81469-avic-development-mod-device-backup/ USB-флешка на 32 gb копировалась 1 час с небольшим, но тогда образ получается на 32 gb. Поэтому взял на 8 gb, скопировалось за 20 минут, и образ получился на 8 gb. Залил образ с помощью программы ImageUSB на другую флешку. Поставил, все работает. Также вытащил файл sysd.conf из образа, там 32 модели. Изначально, когда 1.06 поставил, не было радио. Пришлось сбросить до заво
  16. Try going into your signal level adjustment to turn down the signal by hitting the (+) & (-) . This helps with that issue I’ve found. You might be running way more watts than me to help the interference but worth a try to mess with it and see. It’s in your menu
  17. If there is a boot loop issue pioneer needs to resolve this as its a glitch. Not the customers fault. They came out with a firmware update that was faulty. The reset button has a purpose and if its not correcting the issue... Pioneer needs to make it right. Anyone call Pioneer and raise hell yet? Stick with my wording with Pioneer and press the issue. I am an attorney.
  18. Hi and thanks for your help. I have an existing wireless reversing camera which I want to install in my W211 E320, 2007. The camera has 2 wires, red to the reversing light supply and earth. But this Merc is canbus. What can I do?
  19. up vote this thread again I've been loopking for AVH-X8650BT software to replace the internal SD card with no hope. Anyone have it can post here? Thanks
  20. up vote this thread again I've been loopking for AVH-X8650BT software to replace the internal SD card with no hope. Anyone have it can post here? Thanks
  21. plz can help I lost the system 1874228223______IMG_0429.MOV
  22. The problem appears to be some kind of new security "feature" with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. The download works fine using Firefox. However I added a new link in the original post to access the file from Google Drive. You can download it from there.
  23. Do you know why download doesn't work? I can not get it. Thanks.
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