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Who care

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Posts posted by Who care

  1. pas sur !! je vais donné 10 € pour quelque chose qui ne va pas fonctionné ?

    je veux être sur que ça fonctionne avant de faire l'achat.

    quand même !! comment expliqué ,que mon f940bt indiquait bien les radars avant ,et que maintenant

    plus aucun signalement de radars ?



    Not on!! I go given 10 € for something who does not go worked?
    I want to be on that that works before purchasing.
    How explained, my f940bt indicated well radars before, and that now , no indicated of radars?

    You should donate the 10€ to me instead ;)

  2. Hello to all People,


    this is my first post and english is not my language so sorry for mistakes.

    Hi mate, and welcome to the forum ;)

    No problems, my English-speaking is bad to :(


    My question, is it usual in this Forum to post a file without giving a password? ( Flomsen)

    I have send password to all user who have requested ;)



    Or is it only for this:


    Need some help to earn some more space to my family pictures on Dropbox.

    I will get 500 MB bonus when you install Dropbox on your computer.

    If someone will help me just click on this link thx.


    Yee I will do anything for some extra space on Dropbox

    User have send me private message about giving me donation to my PayPal account, and I have never take money from anyone here.

    If user will give me some free space on Dropbox for my works, is not my problem.


    And big big thanks to all who have helped me on Dropbox for some extra space, thx again

    3 users have give me total 1.5 GB space for my post, I'm happy :)


    You take over from now, i delete my files in the post.

    I have pay 149.-€ and posted the map files here to you and othere users on this site.

    After that, a user cracked the password on my content I have paying for, and uploading again, is that ok ?



    A user send me a pm with the word "Seems like steeling" yes correctly saying.


    I can't see that is okay to do that, now he can take over and support my paying content ;)



    Hope you and others understand me?


    Sorry for my bad English :(


    All the best


  3. Hi.


    Here is the link for the zipfile, the 2015 European update:


    But first: I am not responsible for anything that could go wrong with your system. Use this at your own risk.

    I downloaded the zipfiles provided by Flomsen, the only thing I did was remove the password for the zipfile.


    DOwnload my zipfile and unzip, that's it.




    Cool work lol.


    You take over from now, i delete my files in the post.

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