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Posts posted by Tyrant11429

  1. Some legit and some fake, but if the ones that work for a little while,the screen starts to skip, and than it says error, is it damaged ?


    I was thinking of buying one at circuit city and swap sticker on the units and return the bad one for a refund lol.

  2. I know this is annoying so many ppl asking the same thing, I tried nero but couldn't change the format to the size said so it would fit on the screen, I burned a few pics and the z1 wouldn't read the disc. I no longer have nero and can't seem to download it again my comp acting up. Can I use regular msn picture it ? What size do I have to change it to make it fit the z1 screen also how many pics do I need to put on a disc for the z1 to read it ? And they have to be jpeg ?
  3. I mean other than than that the z1 is alright, sometimes it gives me real long directions to a place where I'd know a faster way, and I was coming back from canada in PA taking highway 6 (bad idea) to 81 and the roads where all flooded, and the road was detoured and than the road was shut down, so I went through the z1 map and it had streets to go around the closure, I took the car off road to this street cut off, and to my surprise there was no street cut off just jungle( I know the z1 keeps leading me to jungle/woods lol) wonder whats next off a cliff?
  4. I have a few questions about the avic z1 and am curious if anyone else here has the same problem or can give me some idea on this subject

    My avic doesn't play some dvd movies that are authentic movies, and when I play some it says error and when I go through the menu it resets again anyone here has the same problem?

    2nd during a movie say 10-15 it starts skipping, and when I eject the dics cause it wont start skipping the dvd is really hott, I notice that a lot, is it just my unit or is it common with the z1 ?
  5. Hey guys I had it installed by a guy in a shop for $100 he secured it good to the firewall he trimed the rails a little enough for it to fit in perfect.. He didn't have to bypass the amp at all total time it took him was an hour and half. The navigation and dvd are bypassed with the circuit unit I got from a guy from a website. I'll show you guys the pics when I get them from my friend. I want to thank all you guys for your help and advise I really appreciate it.
  6. I dont have a camera right now to take the pics :( srry man
    Uh it has 2 plugs both with a lot of wires guessing for illum, speaker, power, ground etc, than I have 3 other wires 2 of them are like headphone kinda wires maybe for my factory cd changer and 1 looks kinda like a anntenna wire( I have antenna in glass). total of 5 wires. But I wonder why theyd want to bypass the factory amp, would both amps blow out the speaker ? wondering if they'd have to cut any of my factory wires to bypass it, and would it sound better than my factory amp? I guess I'll find out tomorrow

    I already started customizing for the install, but didnt work the way I expected. I went to home depot bought a pack of thin slim sheets of metal ya know the ones they use for side projects roofing etc, it bendable and small, so what I did is I made a template for the factory radio bracket that pulls out the radio and locks it into place, and also did the template for the holes on the z1 so I can mount the factory bracket onto my own metal bracket to put onto the z1. The idea was clever, but its a bit wider still, I was hoping I could shave the rails a bit and put into place like the factory radio. I'm still taking it to a shop, but if I my own creation could be some help I'll show the ppl who are going to do it the idea I came up with.
  7. Guess what I went to a shop today and they wanted $400 to put it in saying it would take all day to install the avic z1, I think I'll find a cheaper person to put it for me. 2nd the guy was saying they'd have to bypass the factory volvo amp saying it doesn't work well with the pioneer, have you guys ever heard of something like this ?
  8. hey guys I was wondering I just got ducati's bypass circuit and going to have it installed with my z1 tomorrow(customizing my volvo interior trim myself didnt work out right lol) Will the bypass work with the engine off with the car in the acc position ? nav, dvd etc and with the hand brake down or would I have to put it up with the engine off, just curious cause I thought only with the engine starting up ducati's devise works.

    Also I have a remote starter and the ign stays on for a sec or 2 before the engine cranking it wouldn't short anything out would it in the devise or the z1 ? Am really siked to have this installed in my car.
  9. I know the Z1 doesnt come with any DVDs for the navi ( well I didnt see any in the box, and figured since the z1 so advanced they would have it built in) My question is how easy is going to be to update the navi if needed, and where would one be able to get the navi update, from pioneer or burned copied disc like the other avic's from ebay or elsewhere?
  10. I already did the measurement, and am a mechanic work at sears auto. I just wanted to know if anyone here who has done a volvo 70 series could give me an idea of how they did it, or if they know of a euro cage or something that would help. I have a friend who does alarms and sterio and most likely going to take it to him, but want to have an idea of whats going to be involved.
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