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Posts posted by corlando52

  1. I have a AVIC Z1 that has been upgraded to a Z3. I never bought the GEX P10XMT Traffic Module because I didn't want to pay a fee every month. Now it seems most navigation systems, even the low cost ones, are including Free traffic information with their units.

    My question is this... Is there a way for Z owners to get free traffic updates? I would be willing to buy another add on unit if necessary.




  2. When I received my Z3 upgrade, I got these instructions:

    If you want to delete all the music you can do a level 4 reset (press the reset button while off and hold the map button while the system boots up). To delete tracks and albums you have to be in “album†mode.


    Hope this helps.



  3. I actually have had no problem at all with this remote. It works every time, on the money. The only time I have a problem is if the steering wheel is turned so the remote is on the opposite side.

    Thanks for the suggestions on the polarized glasses. I just take them off when I need to look at the screen. It is a trip looking at all the different glasses and seeing rainbows, etc.



  4. Does anyone know who provides the maps for the Z1? Maybe it's just my area (Long Island, NY), but I'm constantly getting lost with this thing. And it's downright embarrasing when I have other people in the car, not to mention scarey when I'm down a dead end street in the middle of the night and the map tells me to go straight ahead! I'd hate to have to carry my little Magellan Roadmate portable with me. It's always right!



  5. Well, I'm glad you're happy with it. To me, the main function is to get me from point A to point B. I am constantly getting lost with this, so I think the maps suck. I wish I knew who to write to about it, because Panasonic doesn't seem to care. Anyone know who supplies the maps to them?

    I keep getting sent down streets that are dead ends. It's really scarey when you don't know where you are, especially at nigh! My little portable Magellan Roadmate has much more accurate maps for 1/4 the price.



  6. Tuning Haus,

    Well, you can probably start by calling Pioneer Customer Service and complain about their maps. They will ask for specific instances, give you a case number, and ask you to write a letter via snail mail stating your problem.

    Personally, I don't even know if their new map disk will fix the streets I'm sighting, because these are not new developments...they've been around since the 1950's and '60's. I think they need to get their maps from someone else, not whomever they are getting them from now.

    I have a protable Magellan Roadmate and I consult with that because it's much more accurate. I've even taken it along with me because I didn't trust the Z1. The 2 voices telling me where to go drives me crazy, though. It's like going somewhere with my daughter and my wife!!!


    :lol: Chris

  7. You know, while waiting in my car for my wife while she shops, it always occurs to me that it would be really cool if there were some video games I could play on the Z1.

    Had anyone found how to do that, yet?



  8. OK, so first you got me with the incorrect spelling of moniker, and now (and I can't BELIEVE I said this) POLAROID sunglasses. YIKES! This just shows I should never try to compose anything on my way to bed. Thanks again for all the input on this, and thanks for the corrections. Sheesh! I feel like such a bonehead.


    Chris :oops:

  9. I have to admit, you guys are really a wealth of knowledge. When I said AS DIRECTED, I was referring to someone who said they mounted it on the left side of the steering wheel...or did I read that wrong?

    Anyway, it was really sunny today and the remote still worked like a charm. Maybe it will bomb out in the summer...we'll see. But right now, I'm loving it. I played with it all day. I do agree that it tends to want to slip around the steering wheel, and will probably get worse in the hot weather. Again, we'll see. But I don't find it a problem holding the other side with my other fingers. Still a lot more convenient (for me) than leaning over. I also agree that having a bottom transmitter was a bad idea.

    Thanks for clearing up the different remotes. I'm glad I lucked out and ordered the right one.

    Hey, has anyone noticed if you wear polaroid sunglasses, the screen is practically unreadable? I wear orange tinted, and I have to take them off to see the screen.

    Last thing...I finally read about adjusting the tilt, up and down. Isn't it cool the way it goes back to flush when you turn off the car, and then back to the tilt when you start it?

    Too bad the maps suck.



  10. I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I almost didn't buy this remote because of this thread, but decided $25 wasn't a lot to experiment with. I hate having to take my eyes off the road, reach over and hit the touch screen. Most of the time, I miss the voice command button or the hangup button and move the map. Anyway, I got the remote and mounted it, AS DIRECTED, on the steering wheel closest to my Z1. It works perfectly! I have not had a single problem with it. I don't have to take my eyes off the road, and I can skip songs in the library I don't like rather than listen to them just because it's too incovenient to reach over and hit the button on the Z-1. Same thing for answering the phone, etc. I love this thing.

    Now, I noticed there are 2 different remote, both with the same CD-SR1 monicor. One is all black, and has a single, wide band that goes around the steering wheel. Mine is black, but has some colors for different funtions, and has 2 thin bands that go around the steering wheel. They both are configured differently. Maybe the other one doesn't work as good as mine?



  11. I had mine professionally installed and they put it clipped on the top of the rear view mirror. It's far enough away from the speakers so you don't get echo, and also allows passengers to join in conversations when using the phone, or requesting information. The kids get a kick out of telling it to Call Home or map out going to their friend's house.



  12. Mike,

    Yes, they are very poor business people. The Customer Care people I dealt with on the phone actually sounded annoyed. They opened up a dispute (finally), and gave me a number, but said I had to send a WRITTEN complaint to their office, WITH specific instances of where the map was wrong. I finally have 3 or 4 instances and will send it to them after I print them out. But how annoying is this, that they won't take an email or a phone complaint?

    Like I said, the Customer Service people at Magellan not only notified me of an update, but actually gave me a choice of either downloading the update from their website, or mailing them the unit and having them do it FREE OF CHARGE. I only paid for the shipping TO them in California. Now that's a company that cares! They not only updated the maps, but upgraded my 700 to a 760 with their software, again AT NO COST!



  13. I'm a newbie, so be kind.

    I bought my Z1 in October of 2006. I love all the bells and whistles, but, because of a disability that affects my eyes, I rely on the Z1's navigation.

    I live in Long Island, NY and am limited to about a 40 mile radius. In that small radius, I have found quite a few blatant mistakes. Roads are supposed to be there are not, and roads that do not exist are shown on the Z1. Now, I'm not talking about new developments, but houses and roads from the 50's and 60's. I have been complaining about this to Pioneer Customer Service since about December 2006 when I first got lost with it. They assured me an update was coming, and it did...for $250!!! My point is that the maps that came with the Z1 were wrong and/or outdated and they should provide me with the update at no charge. They didn't agree. I'm wondering if we could get a bunch of us together, chip in (depending on how many of us agree), and get one update and circulate it around. I think it's very unfair of Pioneer to ask for such a ridiculous amount of money for this. I have a Magellan Roadmate 700 that they have update for me for FREE and their maps have been accurate since I bought it in 2001. I've compared the maps and where the Z1 has been wrong, the 700 has been right EVERY TIME.

    Any thoughts?

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