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Posts posted by serjeao

  1. On 11.11.2019 at 4:15 PM, Shtirlitz said:


    OK, here is the step-by-step manual:

    Step 1: Take out the FW, see here

    Step 2: Get the file named "PS140PLT.PRG". For RZ09 it is in folder NAVIVUP\AVICRZ09\PLATFORM\

    Cut out 0x200 bytes from the start of the file: its header. I used the SFK-tool:

    sfk195x64.exe partcopy PS140PLT.PRG -allfrom 0x200 output.nb0 -yes

    When you need to extract file output.nb0 by the dumpromx.exe tool (easy to find it on this forum):

    mkdir DUMP
    dumpromx.exe -d DUMP -v -5 output.nb0 >output.txt

    As a result, you'll get a lot of FW files, and initDB.dat of course :)

    Step 3: Patch initDB.dat file.

    Use my sources, take translate.c and translation.txt, and see the code:

    const long OFFSET = 0x18C8D0L;   // RZ09 1.04 0x18C8D0L; RZ77 2.07 = 0x1EA87CL
    const long BLOCK_LEN = 0xAF00BL; // RZ09 1.04  0xAF00BL; RZ77 2.07 =  0xB5CDFL

    These constants define the start and length-1 of the data block inside of the initDB.dat, correct it according to your header.

    Address stores in the little-endian bytes sequence:


    Go to the start of this data block offset:



    You can see the start of the Japanese strings data, its in UCS-2 LE codepage.

    The end of the data block at the end of the initDB.dat file:


    The address of the last data byte is 0x23B8DB. Use the calc for calculating the length-1 and insert it to translate.c source, and compile it.

    While running, the translate.exe search for initDB.dat and translation.txt in the current folder.

    After finishing the output file initDB_out.dat will be created.

    Step 4: Assemble the updated FW.

    Get makever.c and compile it. You can change the version if you need it, the current FW version in the PS140PLT.VER file.


    Replace initDB.dat in the FW by commands:

    copy /Y initDB_out.dat initDB.dat
    dumpromx.exe -a initDB.dat fw_104_src.nb0

    You need to get the correct output, like this:

    img 00000000 : hdr=8d908c88 base=88471000  commandlineoffset=88471000
    ERROR: could not find pointer for ofs 00000000
    Successful file initDB.dat inserting
    initDB.dat.nb saved successfully

    If it OK, run the makever.exe by commands:

    del /Q fw_104.nb0
    ren initDB.dat.nb fw_104.nb0

    It creates the folders (NAVIVUP) and files for the AVIC's FW update.

    Step 5: Just place folder NAVIVUP on the SD and try to update your AVIC in a test mode.

    Use "Program forced write" menu and "Platform write" command, SD as a source.

    On Internal SD stayed the original Japanese FW if you want back to it.

    And be careful, do not power off the AVIC during updating, it can be bricked (or boot looped)!!!

    Good luck)

    Приветствую, не как не могу найти программу dumpromx.exe  на форуме, если не сложно скажите где скачать.

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