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Posts posted by kouger

  1. Hi all

    Need some help with music and also pictures.

    First problem – I am trying to load some pics on to the Z3 (upgrade from Z2). The pics are for my phone, I have them on disk and when trying to load them I get a message that I need to create a folder. Does this mean that I have to take the drive out, connect to my PC and create a folder for the pics? I have all the connections to connect to my PC and the drive is also unlocked.


    Second problem – I bought the steering wheel remote “PAC SWIPS†for my unit, also upgraded the remote from the 4 button to 6 button.. Everything works great except for one thing.. I set up the remote so that I can select the preset stations on XM and FM. Well when playing a music CD or even music from the hard drive, the same button used to select the presets will not move to the next track. The button does nothing. Do I need to set up the PAC unit so that it will scan or something. If I change that will I still be able to select the preset stations or will it just jump to the next available station on the radio?


    One last thing – I only have 4 speakers in my car (06 Sonata), I would like to upgrade the speakers and put in a sub, there is a place already precut for the sub, however I don’t really want to buy an amp. Can I still connect the Z3 to the sub, how would I do that? Seems like I would need to use the RCA jacks for the sub but then would need an amp, is this correct or is there a way to use the speaker wires coming off the unit without using the RCA’s?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated – thanks in advance.

  2. Hi all

    Need some help please. I have the Z2 with a Z3 image. I am trying to upload pictures to it (would like to use the pics for my bluetooth).. Anyway, have the pics on CD but when I load the CD into the Z3, it tells me that I have to create a folder. Can someone please tell me how to do this? Or do I have to take the drive out and connect it to my PC. I do have the drive unlocked etc. Also have the connectors for my PC.


    One other thing, is there an update for the Z3.. I find that the maps really "suck". It never seems to find the correct address.



  3. I can't seem to find a good spot. I first tried placing the mic in the corner where the headliner and the windshield meet on the drivers side. Then after a few complaints from friends, moved it to the sun visor. It sticks out just in front of the sun visor which is pretty close to my head and still people say there is no change. The weird thing is that some people say it is good and clear and others say it sounds like I am in a tunnel and far away.

    Another problem I have is when on the freeway, there is a lot of noise when doing 65 so I have to turn the volume up but then they complain that there is a slight echo. I wonder if perhaps I should go with another mic, maybe one that is more directional (if there is such a thing) so that it only picks up sound directly in front of it.

  4. Hi all

    Need some advice with regards to the microphone location for my Bluetooth. I have the AVIC Z2 (with Z3 image) installed in my 06 Sonata.

    Some people are complaining that there is an echo with the unit, I have found that just turning down the volume solves that issue but my major concern is that quite a few people complain that I sound so far away.

    I have tried moving the mic, but does not seem to help much. If I move right up to the mic to talk, then it sounds ok.

    I was just wondering if it is normal for it to sound like one is far away from the mic, or if perhaps my mic is just not all that good….

    Can someone also let me know where they have placed their mic’s or if they have run into similar situations.


  5. Thanks Hyperite

    I really appreciate all your help with everything. You are a wealth of information and I would be lost without this forum. I would aslo be a little richer :) Spending all this money on the system and every single feature it has to offer. Definitely worth it and also challenging. I guess I will have to try and get a Toshiba drive. I am almost tempted to just use my original drive for the Z3 image. Just scared of messing it up completely. I don't have anything on the drive other than phone numbers and a few saved directions - not like I can't put them on again.

    I suppose if I could do it to a different drive, I could do it to my original.

    Again, thanks for the help and to everyone else on this forum.

  6. OK - got the image on, thanks for your help. Had to unlock the drive and disable the security. Also had to go and by a connector as the one I used earlier was from work.. of course I was in a hurry and there was only one store near me and charged me $20 - oh well.

    So these are my questions now:

    When I put the drive in, it booted up and ran through some configuration, everything booted up fine for about 5 minutes and then rebooted again. I was adding some stuff (phone numbers etc) and it rebooted again. I left it for the night, drove for about half an hour this morning and all was good. Later on, went for another drive, same thing again, rebooted. Any ideas on that? The drive is a Fujitsu MHT2040AH.

    Also, was thinking, if I can do this right, I will just redo my original drive but I was wondering if it is possible to change the boot screen (splash screen) to something else and also is it possible to add pictures for the phone book when a friend calls? If so, where would I add them and what size would they need to be.

    Thanks again for your help.


    Sorry, just found the posting on the splash screen, but nothing on the phone book pictures, any ideas on that, also how about adding phone book entries while it is on the bench, takes forever in the car.

  7. ok, so basically the way I did it was correct?

    When I started the restore from acronis, it said the system needs to reboot to complete, so I clicked ok, it rebooted into acronis and not my OS. The clicked on finish, rebooted again to my OS. The drive did not work in the AVIC, any suggestions. Also, yes the drive is now locked, can't see it when connected to my PC

  8. Hi all

    I am in need of some help please.

    I am trying to upgrade my Z2 to the Z3 image. I have a new hard drive, from a laptop, it is a 40G. Just want to see if this works and then perhaps later go and get a decent drive. Anyway, I downloaded the 14 TIB files. Then downloaded Acronis True Image home. This is where I am stuck. I run the program and select restore, then select the data I want to restore, is this where I would select the file i.e. Z3_virgin1?

    If so, the next screen has three options, which one do I select?

    1 – Restore disks

    2 – Sector by sector

    3 – Restore specified files etc

    If I select 1 (which is what I thought), do I then just select my 40G drive?

    I did do this and the PC rebooted, went into acronis at startup, selected the drive and the files were restored, it was very very quick. Then put the drive in the car and the AVIC said can’t read hard drive.

    What did I do wrong – hopefully not much.

    Do I also need to unlock this drive before doing anything to it?

    Please help and would appreciate it if you could be as detailed as possible. Thanks in advance.

  9. Hi all

    I need some help please. I have the Z2 hooked up. Just got the PAC SWIPS to connect to the Z2 - I have an o6 Sonata. Connected the PAC up but cannot get into programming mode to set the steering wheel controls. Any ideas. I have double checked my wiring. Have the red from the PAC going to switched positive. Have the black grounded. The white going to pin 18 just like the instructions say. I turn the key on while holding the button on the pac, then release the button, press and release 9 times to get the correct setting. Turn the key off and then on again, hit the button on the PAC unit but the LED just turns off when I release the button, should it not stay on so that I can program my steering wheel remote?

    Please help.


  10. Hi all

    Question regarding XM – have the XM hooked up on my Z2. I noticed that my regular FM is clearer than the XM. I don’t get any buzzing or interference on either but just seems that the FM is clearer and seems to be much better quality than XM.

    Any ideas. One thing I must mention, I do have the antenna placed on the inside of the dash.


  11. Hi all

    I am in dire need of some help please.

    I have the AVIC Z2 and have it all connected up (works great). I just got the PAC SWI-PS for the steering wheel but I have one problem. The guy I bought the Z2 from does not have once of the connectors for the back of the unit - this is for connect 2 which I believe is the one I need. Reason is that the PAC system has a jack on it (headphone jack) that connects to the "wired remote" wire on the Z2. This wire comes off connector 2 on the Z2.

    So, my question is, does anyone have a picture of the connector so that I can see which pins on the unit it connects to. I have connectors from my lithium batteries (uesd for my model planes) that fit the back of the Z2 and would be able to wire up a female plug for the headphone jack, just don't know which pins it connects to.

    I know, I should probably order one of these connectors from Pioneer, but every time I call them I am on hold for a while and can't seem to get what I need.

    If anyone has one for sale, that would be great or a picture would be great too.

    Sorry about the long winded post.

    Thanks in advance.

  12. That is exactly what I am trying to do - I have been checking with the forum, I can't seem to find this information. There must be some wire I am missing because I don't have any AM reception - the FM is not that great either.

    There are also a couple of wires on the harness from the car that are not connected to anything.

  13. Sorry to hijack this post for a sec, just wanted to ask - I am looking to install a camera but don't want to spend a ton of cash, any suggestions and what I should stay away from? I saw some on E-bay that were going for $24 - I think they were license plate cameras.


  14. Hi all

    Question regarding the antenna wire on my Z2.

    I read somewhere that I need to connect the "blue" wire to my antenna booster?

    I have the Z2 installed in a Sonata. Do I need to connect a wire to antenna booster?

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