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Everything posted by Lunar-Eclipse

  1. Me too. re Ipods. I've got Rockbox running on an IRiver H340 and I want to be able to use the voice controls on a USB storage stick/device (not an Ipod or Iriver) but you can only do things like "next song", "next album" with non-Ipod devices, and that requires you to push a button before speaking, which kind of defeats the purpose. Looking for something out there that has that kind of control with non-Ipod devices but there doesn't seem to be anything. I know how you feel. As far as 95% of the aftermarket is concerned, the ipod is the only mp3 player out there. It's very difficult t
  2. (Begin rant) Well, I'm anti-ipod. I have a Sandisk Sansa running Rockbox (open-source firmware). It runs circles around an ipod, and it's 1/4 the price. (end rant) But if there's software out there that can do the organizing for me, it wouldn't be too bad. I'll look into Windows Media Player and go from there. Thanks
  3. Hmm... that might be a deal breaker for me. I would have to reorganize some 2000 songs just so I can find them on the F series. Music via SD/USB was one of my main reasons for buying an F series. Can anyone suggest a comparible alternative that would let me sort by Album/Artist/Genre from SD/USB? Thanks for the info HiFiSi.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm looking at an F700BT and have a few questions for a few features that are important to me. I have searched and found bits and pieces but no complete answers. I plan on putting all of my music on an SD card and playing from there. I would like to know what search/sort/play options I would have from the SD card. Can I view the music sorted by Album/Artist/Genre? Can I search for music? (All of my songs have their appropriate ID3 tag data embedded.) I know all of these options are available when using an Ipod, but I don't have nor plan to use an Ipod
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