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Posts posted by azfitness

  1. thank you so much for the replies, yes i think your right about going to a smaller shop. but i just dont think they are caught up to the info you guys are here. i live in southwest arizona right on the california border and mexico. so if you guys have any ideas as to where i can go for the install?

  2. is it worth paying the extra 100 bucks or so for the 900 versus the cheaper 700? only difference is dvd layback correct? and if i do order this unit online will the installer make it possible to see video while im driving? say if i went to best buy for instance for the install

  3. i have been reading this site for awhile now and wanted to get the 900 for awhile now. i read about the new x model comming out and since i was weary of odering the old f unit because of all the problems it had i said well ill just wait for the x model and buy that one. well i was wondering if i just bought the f model and then pchased the firmware 3.0 this would save me some cash.


    now is it worth it?


    i can get a f unit for around 450 bucks and the firmware is about 60-75 bucks right?


    so for around 520 bucks i can get this older unit but with the newer firmware.


    should i even bother with this, or just shell out the extra 400 or so and get the x series model?


    sorry for the long post. i am not tech savvy

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