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Posts posted by Paladin

  1. http://www.enkrypted.com/4.01.zip


    Here is a mirror of 4.01 for USA with the latest maps, buildings and it works like a charm. Also includes the latest WinCE Image so be sure to flash that as well. All fits on ONE SD card! :) Enjoy!


    This link does not seem to work. Anyone know of another place I can get this? I have not messed with my 700 in a few years but decided to log on to see what was new and this looks like the newest/best hack to date I assume.

  2. I am not disputing you or anyone else. All I am saying is the hard wire bypass is not working for ME.


    I pulled this damn thing 10 times now and the only thing it could be is that pin, when moved, somehow is not reaching all the way in. That is very possible but it is in as far as I can get it and everything look good. I have done things like this before. But it is a small connector so it might just be missing the pin.


    I do not have a spare pin/wire to try it with off hand so I need a software bypass option.

    I will look around and see if I can pull a new wire/pin from something else but having the software option would be great.


    Does anyone know if the error will not bother anything long term? I mean after x amount of times ignoring it, will it freeze the unit or anything like that?

  3. I took the 700 out yet again. All connections are correct. I pulled that mute pin again, triple checked it, I still get the error. Nothing else can be done..


    I need a software solution.


    So 3.x software bypass? I searched and am not seeing anything directly related to 3.x. maybe I missed it.


    I also tried to boot off the old boot SD card to do an after 3.x upgrade backup. It won't boot now.

    So how do I get into the system, now? Please do not tell me that 3.x filled the hole that allowed us to do that.

  4. Hey guys. I admit that I have not been on the forums much. My 700 was just humming along fine for the most part.

    So if any of these have been asked, sorry. I did do a few fast searches but here it goes anyway.


    I had a few hacks on it with 2.x. I purchased the 3.x update from pioneer. I backed up my 2.x files first. I upgraded and everything seemed just fine.


    However now I am getting that "Parking break wire is not installed correctly..." error.

    If I ignore this will it cause any problems? I pulled the radio and that, moved, mute wire is still grounded as far as I can tell. I pushed that mute wire I moved in as far as I could.


    So if I ignore it will it brick my unit after some time or is there a software solution I can apply with 3.x?


    Also is it just me or is the 3D useless now? I used to be able to set the 3D to be almost eye level and now the best I can do is almost the same as the 2D map.


    I was also wondering what other new cool 3.x series hack were avail?


    I HAVE to get ride of those annoying volume beeps. W(hy)TF would a company allow this with no option to turn it off???

    Not one person at Pioneer thought that MAY get annoying!!!!!!!!!!!


    Are people hacking the 3 series yet? I "briefly" looked around the Hacks/Mods: F-Series forums but the line between 2.x and 3.x is very blurry. I am simply unsure what is for what off hand. IS that 3.0 of your mod for 2.0 or is this for the new 3.0 OS etc...

    I will spend some time and look more and I am sure I will figure out what is what. I am just bogged down with work etc.... So a few links would be appreciated... :)

  5. Hi all. I have been away from the forums for awhile so I am sorry if I already missed this. I looked around first...


    I have some mods on my Avic including the 8.10 maps. I think it was 8.10... anyway I purchased the 3.0 map SD cards for $68.


    When it comes what is the procedure of installing this on a modded unit? Should I restore back to my factory setting first or just install on top of the mods?

  6. to remove your test speed camera, click the camera on the nav screen, hit route confirmation button , then click save as and then delete,



    I cannot select a camera. Every time I touch the screen it just puts up that red target symbol. It never selects anything. I added them on the fly.

    I think I need a way to edit the file where they are stored.


    once you click on the screen and that red target comes up, click the map config button, then hit save as then edit cam then delete. make sure you place the red target directly over the speedcam to select.


    I will try it again. It is hard selecting it as I am driving when it comes up :)

  7. to remove your test speed camera, click the camera on the nav screen, hit route confirmation button , then click save as and then delete,



    I cannot select a camera. Every time I touch the screen it just puts up that red target symbol. It never selects anything. I added them on the fly.

    I think I need a way to edit the file where they are stored.


    How does the speedcam mod get its data? Will that work better then the highway warning I get now if I am speeding?

  8. B) Make the house numbers appear to the right and left of the guidance arrow like I have seen in other mods? Or just change the color so it does not get lost in the map would be cool :)


    for B) could you clarify this for me



    The best mod before yours was the one by DPDURST and I really like the house numbers like he had it.


    (look at his Second Data.zip pictures a bit down in the post.)

    You could toggle them on/off by pressing that little house icon as well.


    I am just unsure what code to add/replace from his to add it.


    Where is the code for the Speed Limit mod? That may be cool to have :)

    I just like stuff like this on the screen, it is geeky :)

  9. IDT's file doesn't have the software hack applied. I think your connection came loose. It would be on the wire you moved and not on the brake wire itself. FWIW, I have the software hack applied to my data.zip AND the hardware hack applied with no ill effects.


    You could just go in and modify his pioneer.ini under the project_config folder to see if that fixes your problem. I used:




    Yep that fixed it, thanks man.

    I will check the hardware mod next time I have it taken apart.



    WOW the speed camera warnings/alerts are a lot more noticeable on this mod. No more barking dogs :)


    I did have the speed camera warning get stuck on today while I was driving. I had to go and turn warnings off to get it to go away on the display and get my sound back. I chalk it up to an AVIC glitch but wanted to mention in just in case.


    Question; We don't use speed cameras where I live so I set a few along my way to work just to test it out and for fun. So how can I remove them? I cannot select them as they fly by while I am driving and each time I press the screen it just puts up that red circle anyway.


    Can we have;

    A) The house number on by default. At least i don't believe they appear until you tap the screen. Now I cannot remember :)

    B) Make the house numbers appear to the right and left of the guidance arrow like I have seen in other mods? Or just change the color so it does not get lost in the map would be cool :)


    P.S. What is the speed limit mod? Is this different than the HU telling me I am over the limit on main highways?


    Of all the mods I have tried I like this one the best, thanks IDT and the rest. If we incorporate all the files etc.. this will probably be the best mod to just apply to get all the best features!!! Lets put in all the cool stuff!

  10. Okay this is weird. When I left work after getting the boot problem fixed the unit told me there is a problem with my parking break connection etc.. That error you get if the hardware hack is not used or properly done.


    Well I did the hardware hack when I installed this and never had this problem before.


    Is the software hack in in the data.zip file now messing me up here??????

  11. I merged the nightguidance, elevation and speed images into the ui_pioneer\common folder in the data.zip file and all seems to be working now. Well it booted but I have not driven yet to see the graphics. I am at work and no GPS signal in the garage :)


    I even changed the font color for the clock and date to a nice red (#990033) with the white outline, much more readable. :)


    I would like to move the compass/clock/date down a bit. Can you tell me what to change there. I just need to move it down about the same distance as if there were some date sized text right above the compass, give or take.


    The reason is the frame around the HU block about half the compass from my driver seat angle.


    Also can the really cool current speed be added/displayed when a route is going?

  12. i think your missing the elevation image


    I had that one but was missing the speed ones. I put them in the igo folder but it still reboots. This is weird. No other data.zip files has done this to me. :P


    I guess I won't be able to use this one for whatever reason.

  13. Weird. I have been using hacks with no problem but using the latest IDT file just makes the system reboot.

    I have the DS-DIGI.TTF font copied, the license and ezrider files from my other hacks.

    I have not tried the 03.12.2009 version.


    Anyone else? Are there other files I am missing??? Has the sys.txt changed besides the buildings on etc...?

    What I mean is does IDT's mod need a different sys.txt?


    I also tried making a change to add the elevation but that crashed. So I thought it was that but used the original and it did the same thing. I remembered to copy the elevation.bmp


    While I am here. Did I do the right thing. I edited the file \ui_pioneer\800_480\ui\navigatemap_800_480.ui file but was not sure where to add the navigation code IDT provided earlier.


    I put in in between these, is this okay?



    ;Display Elevation
    ;house numbers display 

  14. I wish we could enable A2DP streaming over bluetooth. My last pioneer (single din, non-touchscreen) had that great feature.


    Surely someone can create a key generator for the new maps. I'll gladly donate some $ to that cause. Anyway if not...then we can use leetlauncher's program to run other software like TomTom with newest maps. I have found the newest versions (v7 and v8) of TomTom maps at ppcwarez.com.


    I REALLY wish it had this as well. Then I could stream internet radio from my phone directly to it without the wire.

  15. I have been using my 700BT for about a month now. So far it has been a great purchase!

    Sure it has a few glitches but for $400 it is well worth it. I am sorry but I have not seen anything that would warrant paying $1000+ more for another unit. It better be made of gold for that price!


    Start up is only about 30 seconds to start playing the last selected input and a min or so for full boot.

    Not really bad at all. GPS takes a min to kick in/get a fix, but again, no biggie to me.


    Navigation works well. I have it all hacked and have(I mean would like to get) the 2008.4 maps installed. :)

    House numbers are very accurate at times and other times way off :)

    I don't have a VSS wire and went through a tunnel and it kept tracking guessing my current speed.


    Bluetooth with my phone works good most of the time. I have Treo 755P.

    I have had it not seem to connect a few times when I called out but this honestly could have been my phone.

    I had a few issues with my phone and did a backup/restore with it and so far things have been great!


    The phone book only seemed to transfer about 10 entries. The cool thing was most were the ones I wanted I used the phone book app anyway to clean the entries up. I honestly don't want all my contacts there anyway, only the most called.


    The sound quality is fantastic! Very clear, loud and crisp in my SUV! I was actually really surprised and happy how clear the sound is. I am a drummer and very picky on sound!


    Ipod works very well. A few glitches but overall I LOVE it!

    There are missing features but they are minimal I guess. I wish the current now playing list could be displayed and we could touch on a different track. I wish the shuffle and repeat icons were click able to toggle them on/off on the fly.


    VR works well overall. Again sometimes it thinks you said something else but it is still cool and the main reason I bought this thing!!!


    I think it is a GREAT unit for the money! It is not perfect and has its glitches but damn a GPS/VR HU unit for $600 ($400 unit/ +$50 for HD/+$40 for steering wheel control and $40 for the Ipod adapter and all the shipping) So I got everything for under $600.

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