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Posts posted by poisonwolf

  1. This question has been asked and answered a hundred times now. The answer is no.

    Those that said no are idoits and have never been through another part of this site.


    I recently upgraded from a f900bt to a z110 and i had this hack and it worked beautifuly so it is possible we just need to get carver a z110 and we will all be happier. so before you go spouting off no's you should do some reasearch and not be such an ass to a person that is just trying to find a person who knows what going on.

  2. to ground the green parking break lead, can i just splice it into the harnesses black ground lead?


    I originally installed the brake wire to the brake. The trick to the software mod is to lift your brake up one click and you then have full access to any menu or video while in motion. the nice feature is that if you get the urge to stop working the system that way you just drop your ebrake and the system will lock you out(until you lift it again!)


    the only issue this would bring up is now you have an e-brake light on! Big whoop, just remove the light or wait for it to burn out!

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