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Posts posted by rud3dog

  1. The last response I got was that If I can find proof that I bought the sd cards (update) they will resend the cards but the unit will probaly still fail on its update like it did last time. Im so mad. Pioneer is the single worse company I have ever encountered and will no longer purchase them again no matter what they make!

  2. I have several posts on here about how I bought the 3.0 version firmware and it screwed up my avic-900bt. Well I sent it back to pioneer like they said and waited 2 weeks and got my radio 3 hours ago. I was told to send my sd cards and passwords witht he unit and gave instructions to update this unit before returning. I thought things were bad enough, I got a 2009 coevette and I dont like pulling the dash out alot even once, becuase of the posssibility of scratching the new intertior. After I installed the radio I started the radio and then I realized it was still version 2.06 and my 09 map and version 3.0 sd cards were gone along with passwords ect. Im so scrfewed and I have talked to pioneer and they dont seem to care. If they dont compinsate me in som way ill never buy a pioneer product again. This is the worse company I have delt with. First of all I thought it was stupid to charge so much for a firmware upgrade then it killed my unit. Im so pissed and im venting




  3. Is there any one out there that is willing to upload there files for us? Im sure there is only one uniuqe file that we ned from our own cards and the rest are all the same for all of us. I think it would work but some one would have to be willing to help.


    well thanks to any one who bekons the call

  4. I used the reset menu to update wince to the version that was included with the official release. I have downloaded the files to update the unit to 3.0 using the x910bt files. I plan to update this way and then copy the files from the official SD #2 card to the head unit. Maybe this will get me close enough.



    Im not even sure how to get into that mode but if it works ill do it. Id rather do that then pull it out of my car and send it to gay pioneer

  5. What A POS! I hate this unit and if I have to take it out of my 2009 vette im gonna be pissed! I dont understand why a few of ours is messed up in the same spots. Makes me wonder if there is a corrupt file on the second sd card, and if so would some one eleses work? I hate pioneer and I cant belive im even going through this crap! I paid good money for a POS and paid more to update it to it died!

  6. I and along with others are having problems updating past 3% on the second sd card. Alot of us have tried to copy the files to another sd card with no luck. I will be calling the reps at pioneer at 6 am tommorow and ill let them know the crap we went through for all of us. It would be good to have all failures to respond to this thread so I can direct the main customer service manager to this issue. Im not sure what kind of car you all drive but I own I brand new Corvette $64k aqnd im not happy with opening my dash again. I think we need to petition. If you have problems send them to this thread so I can send them to the people I have beeen told that are in charge of this. If your super upset with the fact that you cant update your pioneer unit please put your complaint here!


    Some of you all dont have and issue with opening up your dash and sending it to pioneer but I got a 2009 new vette and I have a house closing a and soon. I was able to get some names to some high exects at pioneer and ill try and helpto resolve this with every one but I cant do it with only one comment. If you had luck god bless you but all the others throw your horor stories here:


    Im hoping Im helping


    god bless to you all that waited to this disapointment

  7. I tried to put the sd card #2 in my pcand it doesnt detect it so Im guessing some of these cards are bad. What ever the problem its total BS and ill be calling pioneer tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I had to try several computers to find one that would see the sd cards. Im currently copying the files over to a new sd card wish me luck.............................................

  8. I guess Im the only on that got screwed! Im so pissed! Tech support says I will have to open my 2009 corvette dash again and send ti to them and customer service is closed and I have a dead unit now becuase of the update. You have no idea of the upset I have now since I have been waiting so long. Im just gonna bight my tounge now becuase im so mad ill nevermind good luck people :(

  9. Please people I beg you not to update yet if you want to have a radio working! I got the password as the site went up 20 minutes ago and my worse fear that there was another problem maybe right. I got to 3% and my sd card failed. I tried resetting the radio as I was talking to pioneer tech support on the phone and now its dead. It wont continue unless it reads the sd card and for some reason it wont read it. Get your update at your own risk! I will keep you all posted and I have terch support trying to figure this out but its doubtful since its so late. Im so mad now. I got a 2009 vette with no tunes, how would you feel?


    god bless to those brave enough to try it with sucess

  10. Yeah this is BS! I do feel bad for a part of japan having a earthquake but as far as all the news I could find it wasnt as seriouse as some may think. Im thinking we are dealing with a algorythim problem or a problem with the security of the 3.0 update. Somthing is wrong with this picture, these server problems are so easy to fix and I think we are all going to get another update becuase of a security leak or somthing. These are just sugestions and I could very well be wrong but I dont think every thing adds up here, just think outside the box and remember no one at pioneer reallly knows whats going on. Come on do you really think pioneer of USA doesnt know whats going on besides a possible earth quake? I called and talked to several people and you will find no one will actually say the earth quake was the cuase of the problem. '


    just my thoughts

  11. Yes this is BS!!!!! I think I have supported pioneer enough and then to have them mess with mewith a stupid big box for 2 sd cardsand a japan site down. I dont know about you all but im pissed. Im so mad Im hoping some one hacks there security since they were so worried about it they forgot about the customer! F. U. pioneer Im sorry people im just trying to blow off steam for I have my unit in a 2009 corvette and the 900bt has not been perfect for and have been waiting months for this update. :( What would be fare here on being compensated for this crap? As big as this radio is I dont understand why its so slow. I have a iphone 3gs and is 50 times faster then this radio and does so much more, why did we pay so much for such crap? And to top it off the iphone 3gs is incompatible to the avic-f900bt. For all those who have tried I can tell you a few things I found: A: If you have your Iphone 3gs plugged in before you start the unit you will be able to chagre your iphone. If you wait till after the unit has started and plug your iphone you will only get audio playback but no charging abililties. I have spoke to both pioneer and appleand they all blame each other. I paid $60 for the real pioneer iphone cable at frys electronics and it worked with my iphone 3g with version 2.x . Some where somthing changed and if any one out there knows of a a fix or knows if this newupdate (when ever I get a password) fixs things I would gretly apriciate it.


    Im sorry but I had to vent some where guys.

    Also can any one tell me or start a new thread for hacks on the 3.0 firmware? Just thought it woulod be a good idea since most of us will be on 3.0 and im sure like me there is alot of noobs.



    peace people and god bless

    and pioneer I think you already know



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