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Posts posted by Marlysa

  1. I think there should be a write up on how to add our own POI icons, if we all contribute we could fill the missing POI in no time. BTW thank you VBLUE42 and flyboyindy for the great work..


    Hi Mnrivera210,

    Are you still interrested in a method to add your own icons in branding File? I did it in my french Branding, and I created 2 tools. One to create your own kml file with personnal icons (this doesn't need any modification of Branding.zip or data.zip) and another one to create your own Branding.zip with choosen icons.

  2. Hello,


    As I promised some days ago, I found a solution to suppress the red icon without any modification in data.zip. My solution is to introduce in branding.zip some specific files:


    In folder: \ui_pioneer\icons\poi\ add this file:



    $poi_mapclose.spr	79
    poi_mapclose.spr	79




    As bonus, I give you another tip to have your own icon for your personnal POI (For the example I consider my File AVICMBkml.bmp]

    In folder: \ui_pioneer\icons\poi\ add this files: kmlpoi.icon

    $AvicMBkml.spr	0
    AvicMBkml.spr	0


    And place you personnal icon and its .spr file in folder: ui_pioneer\common\

    For the example: AVICMBkml.bmp and AVICMBkml.spr

    BmpFlags = 0
    DefPhase = 1
    Stripes = 30
    DefAlpha = 22

  3. What is really new is this issue:


    The 3D models are available as not all the same starting size and this does not satisfy me, I worked for over a week on the creation of an option to choose different sizes (6 in all). Let me tell you I have not seen this type of option also for this add-on.




    With the MOD MB-IDT 3.04x and this addon, you can choose your car and the size you prefer for your 3D car just by a clic (and not with a custumize sys.txt).

  4. Hi Chuck88,


    I already did it but this replace the diamond icon by a blank one and we don't see anymore if there is some POI or not. I don't like this solution and I prefer to have the red diamond.


    For your information I found a solution to do it without any modification of the data.zip. [We are testing this solution with some other french AVIC users and I'll come back to explain here how to do it :wink: ]


    My previous asking is to know if it is possible to display all icons in 2D view even if there is an overlap (Like in 3D).

  5. Hello,


    On my Avic [European F900BT upgraded in F910BT] with


    I don't have any red diamond in 3D mode and I can see all icones. But in 2D, I already have this red diamond.


    Do you have any suggestion to remove this diamond and show all icones (The solution to hide all icons is not good for me and I prefer to have the red diamond)

  6. Here is the french tutorial which explain how to use this script:


    * Export contact from Outlook to AVIC

    * Convert french letters

    * Possibility to select only one categorie of contact to export it to the avic ( If you want to export the category named "Voiture" change the script with Const CatExportAnnuaire As String = "Voiture")





    Here is the script: (Sorry comments and dialog boxes are only in french for the moment - If it is asked I'll translate it in English)


    'Cette macro Outlook permet d'exporter les contacts sélectionnés dans Outlook vers le poste Pioneer - AVIC Fxxx
    'Elle a été inspirée à partir de la macro de avic_weo publiée sur le Forum AVIC 411 et a été améliorée pour être compatible avec les caractères Français et la sélection d'une partie des contacts
    'Version du 03-10-2009  - Réalisé Par Marlysa de la Lance
    Option Explicit
    ' **** Cette partie est à configurer Manuellement
    ' Créez un répertoire sur votre disque dur : c:\AVICPhone
    ' Téléchargez l'application sqlite lite ici: http://www.sqlite.org/download.html - Precompiled Binaries For Windows -  sqlite-3_6_18.zip [Version dispo le 3/10/2009]
    ' Placez la dans le répertoire que vous avez créé sur votre Ordi
    Const SQLITE   As String = "C:\AVICPhone\sqlite3.exe"
    Const SQDB     As String = "C:\AVICPhone\contacts.sqdb"
    Const SQLfile  As String = "C:\AVICPhone\contacts.sql"
    Const CatExportAnnuaire As String = "Aucune"
       'Cette variable permet de ne sélectionner qu'une partie de vos contacts dans votre annuaire Outlook
       'Vous pouvez créer votre propre catégorie dans ce cas remplacer la valeur "Aucune" par votre catégorie
       'Si par exemple vous voulez sélectionner les contacts que vous voulez exportez qui sont dans la catégorie Voiture (Bien respectez la Case)
       'Remplacez alors la valeur "Aucune" par votre catégorie ici "Voiture"
       'Const CatExportAnnuaire As String = "Voiture"
    ' ***** Fin de la zone à personnaliser
    Sub ContactsToSQDB()
    Dim sqlCmd As String
    Dim retval As Double
     Dim Msg       As String
     retval = MsgBox("Ecraser le fichier " & SQLfile & " (si il existe)?", _
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
     If retval = vbYes Then
       Call ContactsToSQL
     End If
       sqlCmd = SQLITE _
           & " -echo " _
           & SQDB _
           & " "".read " _
           & Replace(SQLfile, "\", "\\") _
           & """"
     retval = MsgBox("OK pour générer votre PhonebookDB?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf, _
              vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
     If retval = vbYes Then
         'sqlite3.exe -echo temp.db ".read c:\\temp\\contacts.txt"
         retval = Shell(sqlCmd, vbNormalFocus)
     End If
    Msg = "Votre fichier Contact a été généré.  Veuillez renommer le fichier " & SQDB & " selon le nom associé à votre téléphone: PhoneBookxxxxxxxxxx.db"
    retval = MsgBox(Msg, vbOKOnly)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ContactsToSQL()
     Dim olApp     As Outlook.Application
     Dim objName   As Outlook.NameSpace
     Dim myFolder  As Outlook.MAPIFolder
     Dim myItems   As Outlook.Items
     Dim myItem    As Object
     Dim txtQual   As String
     Dim numQual   As Integer
     Set olApp = Outlook.Application
     Set objName = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
     Set myFolder = objName.PickFolder()
     'Set myFolder = objName.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
     'Set myFolder = myFolder.Folders("Contactpersonen")
     Set myItems = myFolder.Items
     myItems.Sort "[FullName]", False
     Open SQLfile For Output As #1
     On Error Resume Next
    'Print #1, ".echo on"
     Print #1, "drop table phonebook;"
     Print #1, "CREATE TABLE phonebook"
     Print #1, "  (ID           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
     Print #1, "   chShowName   TEXT,"
     Print #1, "   chPhoneCode  TEXT,"
     Print #1, "   dwType       INTEGER"
     Print #1, "  );"
     Print #1, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"
     For Each myItem In myItems
      'Sélectionne les contacts dans la catégorie que vous voulez exportez
      'Et lui affecxte la catégorie:
                   '0 si un seul N°
                   '1 Tel Maison
                   '2 Tel Portable
                   '3 Tel Bureau
       If (CatExportAnnuaire = "Aucune" Or InStr(1, myItem.Categories, CatExportAnnuaire) = 1) Then
          txtQual = Left(Trim(myItem.HomeTelephoneNumber), 1) _
                 & Left(Trim(myItem.MobileTelephoneNumber), 1) _
                 & Left(Trim(myItem.BusinessTelephoneNumber), 1)
         numQual = 0: If Len(txtQual) > 1 Then numQual = 1
         Call PrintSQLElement(myItem.FullName, myItem.HomeTelephoneNumber, numQual * 1)
         Call PrintSQLElement(myItem.FullName, myItem.MobileTelephoneNumber, numQual * 3)
         Call PrintSQLElement(myItem.FullName, myItem.BusinessTelephoneNumber, numQual * 2)
         Call PrintSQLElement(myItem.FullName, myItem.OtherTelephoneNumber, numQual * 0)
       End If
     Next myItem
     Print #1, "COMMIT;"
     Close #1
    End Sub
    Private Sub PrintSQLElement(Name, Phone, qualifier)
     Phone = Replace(Phone, " ", "")
     Name = Replace(Name, "'", "''")
     Name = Replace(Name, "ç", "c")
     Name = Replace(Name, "ö", "o")
     Name = Replace(Name, "ð", "g")
     Name = Replace(Name, "þ", "s")
     Name = Replace(Name, "ý", "i")
     Name = Replace(Name, "ü", "u")
     Name = Replace(Name, "Ç", "C")
     Name = Replace(Name, "Ö", "O")
     Name = Replace(Name, "Ð", "G")
     Name = Replace(Name, "Þ", "S")
     Name = Replace(Name, "Ü", "U")
    Name = Replace(Name, "é", "e")
    Name = Replace(Name, "è", "e")
    Name = Replace(Name, "ê", "e")
    Name = Replace(Name, "ï", "i")
     If Len(Phone) > 0 Then
       Print #1, "insert into 'phonebook' " _
               & "values(Null,'" & Name & "','" & Phone & "'," & qualifier & ");"
     End If
    End Sub


  7. @ Botherseb:

    Yes the european version include all european language (Of western and central part of Europe !!)


    After the upgrade works perfectly if you follow the whole process.


    For your information there is some available mod which are comptabible for French AVIC (Interface in French). For me the best for french user is this one developped by Misterblue : mod MB-IDT3.0-3b : http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=32080. As complement of AVIC 411 forum, If you are not fluent in english, you can have a look on his french forum.

  8. I'm looking if I can add new TTS voice in the AVIC (F910 BT - Eruopean model).


    According my understanding AVIC TTS software is a scansoft engine (and not Loqendo TTS engine as igo8 on PNA). Does someone succed to place new Loqendo TTS voice in the Avic?

  9. jezikk wrote:

    Can somebody tel me what should be the correct way number should be stored in AVIC.

    I've tried in following with no luck:

    +48 (are code) (phone number)

    0048 (are code) (phone number)

    (are code) (phone number)


    In all this cases my Nokia show on the screen how's calling but avic not, always the number :/


    I try it and I confirm, It should be numbers without spave, brackets, ... +48xxxxxxxxxx

    With my Nokia, even with Polish phone numbers the AVIC is able to display name: One polish friend just called me this afternoon with her mobile phone. [unfortunatly, I don't have my car with the AVIC in Poland so I couldn't test it there]

  10. @Avic_weo

    After reading your previous messages, I'm not sure to understand exactly what you want.


    Is it ?

    0 = General (only use this if you only have one number for that particular contact)

    1 = Home

    2 = Work

    3 = Mobile


    Because I consider I unse only 4 categories: Home, Work, Mobile, Other Phone. And I prefer to the phone in the correct position than place it is "0" if I only have one Number.


    Could you explain how you want to organize your contacts in the AVIC phonebook?

  11. As I had the some problem on my Win 7 x64 I use this method:



    I updated it a little for french letters and for the method to select only one part of contact according one categorie. You can find my update version with tutorial here :

    Export your outlook contact to AVIC- French version + TUTO [For the moment only in french but if you are interested in it I could prepare one in english]

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