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Posts posted by alex_marshall

  1. Would the quality of this kind of cable (or the brand making it) impact only video functionality? Even though music and album artwork all display perfectly well.


    A cheap Chinese knock off that cost a dollar, seriously? I would certainly try the official Pioneer cable just to troubleshoot the issue. Maybe buy one from Best Buy so you can return it if its not the problem. Most of what is purchased on ebay like this turns out to be the problem.



    Ok, Ok. I can admit when I was wrong. And I was. It was the cable. Just the cable.


    I tested DVD playback while moving and everything worked fine. Tried pulling the parking break up and watching iPod/iPhone video and nothing. So I went to the local Best Buy and bought the Pioneer brand CD-IU50V. Plugged it up and everything worked perfectly. Damned these eBay knockoffs straight to Hell. The same thing happened with the harness I ordered for installation. Turned out to be so cheap it didn't even clip in to the stock harness and I found myself at Best Buy dropping $21.99 on the Metra brand.


    I'm not sure why I was trying to defend eBay anyway. Maybe I was trying to defend not spending $50.00 on 24 inches of cable? Either way I have a fully working head unit now. And what an upgrade from the Avic-D3! I'm off to synch my iPhone contacts and play around a bit. Thanks, guys!

  2. Something is likely wrong with your bypass. Are you able to input a route while driving faster then 20 MPH? Also which iPod cable are you using?


    Yes, I am able to input navigation information (addresses etc.) when driving above 20mph. I'm going to try to play a DVD over 20mph to see if that works too. I performed the following bypass:




    The cable that I'm using I bought from eBay (CD-IU50V):


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0391399994


    But hopefully we won't jump to conclusions and think that because the cable was bought from eBay that it's the cause of this problem? I wouldn't mind spending the extra money and buying the Pioneer brand cable [if I knew it was going to work]. This cable is seemingly identical. Would the quality of this kind of cable (or the brand making it) impact only video functionality? Even though music and album artwork all display perfectly well.

  3. I did a few searches for this and surprisingly couldn't find anything posted yet. I've tried playing video from multiple sources through my new Avic-X920BT and can't get any video to be displayed (although the audio from the video is playing fine).


    I've tried to hook up an 80gb 5th generation iPod video (this iPod worked perfectly with my old Avic-D3), a 120gb 6th generation iPod Classic (newer firmware than the other iPod, and a 8gb 3g iPhone. All of these devices display the different video categories (TV Shows, Movies, etc.) allow me to select and play the video. However, when the video is playing only sound is coming out and no video is being displayed (the start screen of the video is displayed in the now playing box) but when I tap Now Playing it goes to a black screen with the audio playing only.


    I've checked that the Video Settings on the iPod are sending Video Out correctly. I'm not sure why I'm not showing any video. This used to work perfectly on my Avic-D3. Does anyone know what the cause of this could be?


    Also, I've tried playing video off of MicroSD through the unit (using a 4GB Kingston MicroSD card) and I'm getting a message back from the Avic-X920BT that complains about the resolution and says that some tracks will be skipped, however, it doesn't play any tracks. One file on the card was .avi and the other was .divx. Anyone know what the cause of this is? I'm guessing it's a separate issue from the iPod/iPhone problem mentioned above.

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