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Posts posted by Eagles

  1. I am pretty sure that means there is no data.zip. Probably ran out of space when it was copying it over. Delete Canada, Mexico and whatever states you will never go to. Being in CA I deleted most of the New England states as well as most everything down and around Florida. To be honest things seem a little snappier too with a little extra free room.


    I will remove the large maps from my distro and make things smaller so this will hopefully happen less. If I was a good scripter I could put some checks in there and do it right but I am not, lol. If anyone is I would be happy to work with them on it. I have a good set of requirements.


    I'm on the East Coast so it's possible I might drive to Canada. Mexico maps aren't included in the set I got. Not planning any cross country trips at the moment so I got rid of the Northwest - California, Washington, and Oregon.


    Happy to report that fixed the problem. Your mod installed fine afterwards. Didn't get a chance to play around with it but the default map screen is very nice.


    Thanks for the help!

  2. Interesting. Seems three of you are having this problem. Lets do a couple things. Can you also reply with what install method you chose (looking for menu option # based on device and location).


    Delete all save files. You can do this on your own or let my testmode script do it. Its one of the options at the bottom.


    1. Easiest way to see what is happening is in testmode. Once there navigate to my flash disk\apl2\igo and double click ezrider.exe. That will load it so when it generates an error it should pop something up. Can you let me know what happens?


    2. You very well may have ran out of room. Check to see how much free space your unit has. Select the flash disk in explorer and then go to the file menu and click properties. Check to see how much is free.


    3. As another test can you verify that all of the files that are in my distribution made it over to your AVIC? Look in the mitacap folder in my zip file and see if each of the files that are in there are on your avic.






    Hi Alex,


    1) I installed using menu option #1. I have a US X910BT so I think that's right. Had a chance to play around with it a little this morning. Trying to start via ezrider generates this error message. "Program Application Database can't be found". Probably what was showing before that didn't stick around long enough to read.


    2) WinCE Explorer shows My Flash Disk has just 6.5MB free. Looking like that could be the problem.


    3) Ran out of time to check this. Will do after work today.


    Looks like maybe there wasn't enough space to fully copy over. I'll axe another state or two out of the maps and see what that does. For the other guy that asked what maps I'm using it's the TA2009.06 ones. No R/T installed or map switching of any type.

  3. Hello. Newbie to the forum here.


    A week ago my stock X910 was stuck on the Pioneer splash screen. I fixed it by updating to the FX3.1 update/mod found elsewhere in the forum. I had to delete Alaska and Hawaii maps in order for the update to fit in the units Flashdrive. After those states were deleted the mod installed fine and was working well. This mod looks like a huge improvement so I couldn't leave well enough alone. :)


    First tried the 3.2 mod - I believe it copied over correctly (got a big green "+" on the screen). However after rebooting it's stuck on the "system startup" screen overlaying the menu. I can go into the Audio selection menu and choose a valid input (say FM) and the unit will play. However trying anything tied to the Navigation side will freeze the touchscreen up. And whether I try to get into navigation or not the unit will reboot after a few minutes and the cycle repeats itself.


    Thought maybe the new 3.2.1 update would help. Only difference I saw is the finished copying screen now shows a green box instead of the "+" sign. Also the icons in the Audio selection menu that I don't have hooked up are colored instead of greyed out. Navagation still won't start.


    The first time the unit boots up after updating there's a WinCE error of some sort that flashes VERY quickly on the screen. I think one of the words in the error is "object", but I'm not sure. It's not on the screen long enough to read. Subsequent boots after that don't have the error.


    Any ideas? Possibly not enough space for the mod to fully copy over? I don't think WinCE gave any error when I tried to copy the full maps over in the FX3.1 update, so I'm not sure there would be any indication if the files didn't fully copy over. Or maybe that's not it at all? Did a search for "reboot loop" but only a couple of threads came up and neither seemed to fit.


    Thanks in advance for any help.

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