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F90BT For Sale, reluctantly...

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So buying two F90BT's really put me in a jam with bills and such. I purchased the second unit for my wife's car and I have yet to install it. I have opened the box and started soldering up the wires to a wiring harness adapter for her GMC Yukon. I've also completed the little hack to unlock the controls and video while driving.


I really wanted to install this in the next two weeks but I'm broke ass broke and need the dough. So unless my wife cancels this with some second thoughts tomorrow, my spare/uninstalled F90BT is available. Dammit to Hell.


Note: I have yet to install the new firmware update, since that would require this to be running in a vehicle first.


I could put this on eBay, but I figure I'd offer it up here first, in case there are those who haven't had a chance to purchase yet.


I'm not sure how others have done For Sale items before on this board, so I'll start out taking private email bids, highest one wins. If there's a more universally accepted manner or format, let me know.


Greg Combs

gcombs "at" utdallas "dot" edu


Dallas, TX

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Just state your price...or put it on ebay. I would assume that you haven't gotten any true offers yet, because this is a forum, not an auction website. Honor system doesn't really work with strangers my man.


i.e. I email you now and say $50. Nobody else responds for a week (or whatever time frame you decide since you didn't specify.) You really gonna give it to me for a cool fifty?

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