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About pinegreen

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  1. Thank you for the response. Now I "get it". Very much appreciated.
  2. Sorry, just wanted to clarify then....so I would need service when looking for an address or looking for a Starbuck's nearest my location, but once the route was already made, I wouldn't need the mobile service? Any recommended apps that would work well with possible weak cell reception/signal? Thank you for your help.
  3. Thanks. That info is what I was looking for. I have Sprint on the west coast, so I guess I better stick with the built in GPS units.
  4. Hi, First, let me apologize if these questions have been asked before, but I have searched and have found nothing definitive. Some things that I've found during my searches are that ARLiberator is the way to go w/ Android phones (as long as you have an AppRadio 2), you can listen to music and use GPS at teh same time by hitting a button twice, the AppRadio uses it's GPS antenna to receive signals but requires that your phone's GPS tracker be enabled at startup, etc. I am still confused about exactly how a phone's signal/reception will have an effect on the AppRadio. If I am in an area where
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