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Everything posted by kheller2

  1. I've tried uploading to that site.. doesn't seem to work. I let it run for 36 hours.
  2. kheller2


    Is there such a disc? If you google it I see some places in the UK selling it, but I don't think Pioneer, at least in the US, ever released one. If such a disk exists, I would really to get my hands on a copy to see if it has an updated OS from the CNDV-40R.
  3. Several people have requested copies of my hybrid discs. If anyone has a place that I can scp/ftp upload the entire 8GB image, let me know otherwise I'm not seeding. The idea here is that you should have purchased the 40R disc from pioneer as that is the last official release of R(Remote) control nav discs. Although there were rumors of a 50R (anybody?). You can then snag the 70MT or 80MT from pioneer or your favorite seed site and merge them together.
  4. One more thing.. For those people who are trying to actually read these nav discs on a PC, keep in mind that your drivers must support ISO9660 Level 3. Currently, MAC OS doesn't, neither does FreeBSD, RHEL 4.x does which is what I used to read the cds by force mounting them as ISO9660 and not UDF. If you don't support Level3 you will have 0 byte files or negative size files.
  5. CNDV-80R seems to work just fine. (user@raider1:[9]-5-) /av/rips/80R> ls -lRat total 3562324 drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 512 Sep 15 15:13 .. dr-xr-xr-x 4 root wheel 1024 Sep 14 21:58 bg drwxr-xr-x 9 root wheel 1024 Sep 14 21:41 . -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 194 Sep 14 17:35 dvi.dat dr-xr-xr-x 2 root wheel 3072 Aug 21 2008 idx -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 24613520 Dec 22 2007 rdstmc.kwp -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3301593600 Dec 22 2007 alldata.kwi -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 58 Dec 22 2007 metadata.kwi -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 304470304
  6. I'll be working on an CNDV-80R hack shortly.. as soon as said DVDs arrive.
  7. This is the file system layout of a 40R+70MTP East Coast USA Hybrid that works on my NAV-SYS900DVD (AVID-90DVD + AVH-P6400CD). The only real change you need to make (after you figure out the layout) is the dvi.dat file. I also tossed in a few background images from the 70MTP that I thought would work and most do. In order to do this on your own you will need a 40R and a 70MTP disk. I highly suggest you do this on a Unixesque based system and make sure you force mount the original DVDs as ISO9660 disks and do not let it try to mount them as UDF format. Tarball or copy -a all the files fro
  8. For toyota nav systems, you should check out www.siennaclub.org. The nav forum there covers several models with several bypass methods and instructions on purchasing Toyota navs and retrofitting them.
  9. I have a semi working 40R+70MTP hybrid going on my P6400CD/AVIC-90 system. Can someone do a binary comparison of the region.kwi file on both E and W of the 70MTP. My "pressed originals" (as I'm told) have the same sum. Previous versions of E/W always differed -- I think this is what is causing my system to crash when I do an address search. By the way, as previously mentioned in another thread, the DVI.DAT file variable "DISC VERSION" must match the prg file (in this case the eu010apl.prg file on the 40R). However, I think only the first 3 characters are important: mainDiscChec
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