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Everything posted by MLA

  1. I forgot to mention that they did the bypass and even when the car was in park i could not do the navigation. But thanks for trying to help me out.
  2. Hello I am new to this forum and this is my first post. Today I had best buy hook up the D-3 and my i-pod is the only thing that works right. When in the navigation mode it shows me where I am located, but the option to type in the address and POI and many more things are not working. They hooked up the camera as well and that kind of works when it wants to. It will work in reverse, then I would try it again then it comes up all black and and says that this camera might be shown in reverse. I would appreciate any help at all, thank you in advance.
  3. MLA

    New N3 NAV DVDs?

    Can you use the N-3 cd in the D3 unit to get more POI and detailed city maps. what does detail city maps mean? THANKS I AM NEW TO THIS
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