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Everything posted by jpspeed3

  1. I'm not sure mine is still not hooked up, but I think it would say good
  2. if your back up wire is hooked up it will help tell your navi your car is going in reverse it also turns the camera on too. you can tell it is hooked up b going to navi menu, system options, connection status and you will see something that says back signal, that is your reverse wre
  3. sorry i didn't think it was that big of a deal whah
  4. hey trol thanks for the info on the vss wire I hooked it up and it finally worked and the thing about the arrow is I just needed to modify my current position in the map menu. everything works great I tested it out on my way home. thanks for all your help
  5. I just took the unit out of my dash it is still connected and it was on map and I moved it in my hands and the arrow rotated so I don't know what the hell is going on
  6. yeah I have the mazda I actually have the car in my garage I am trying to hook the vss wire to the instrument panel and I have everything apart and I still can't seem to get the pulse, where does the reverse wire go to?, when I go to 3d calibration will you hear the pulse once u are moving or when the car is running?
  7. yeah I do try it and it does change the direction but the arrow is still sideways or not on the actual road itself it is right by it but turned a little, there is also no estimated time of arrival
  8. is that the small 2 sided red\white arrow on the map screen if so I have tried that multiple times
  9. how do I do that and what does the reverse wire have anything to do with it
  10. ok here is my problem. I will be driving down the road and on my map I am going down the correct road but my arrow is pointed in the wrong direction. like if I am going west my arrow will point north,south, any diretion but the way I am actually traveling. I have re set the unit twice and still no luck. my vss wire is also not hooked up. I called pioneer and they said my gyro is bad and I have to return my unit does this sound right to you guys please let me know what you think I need some help.
  11. yeah i tried that today but like I said I think I left the wire too short but I will post results I'm sure it will all work out
  12. cool, I forgot to mention that I tried the instrument panel thing but I don't think I left enough wire for it to touch. I will try it again and I will for sure try the reset thing I will let u know what happens thanx for the info
  13. well in a forum it said to hook it up in the pcm next to the battery, I did that and it was working fine until I noticed that drifting while stopping crap. I knew it was rpm because while I was stopped it said I was going like 18 mph and while driving if I would down shift the dynamics said the mph was going higher than the speed because the rpm's were high of course. I haven't tried re-setting the unit I only cleared the learning settings but I will try doing a reset on the actual unit itself is it better doing it with the ignition on or off?
  14. I forgot to say the unit has been successfully bypassed if that matters...
  15. hi guys I am new to this forum, well here goes I just bought an avic d3 and the problem is I have had the unit for three days and I thought I hooked up the vss in the right spot, and the navi was working fine except when I would stop. It would say I was drifting a little bit. So I looked at the dynamics on the map screen and I figured out that the vss was actually hooked to an rpm source. so, today I unhooked it and now I don't get voice command and I don't see the roads in detail. It also says that I am facing the wrong direction. I have a rear view mirror with a compass and in my drive way
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