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Everything posted by ochatesme

  1. Pffft, considering the Sync is Microsoft based I wouldn't be surprised if people start getting the blue screen of death outta nowhere.
  2. I actually thought about doing this a while back, I took the liberty of troubleshooting a couple days ago when I fired up my truck and the camera failed to turn on. My first instinct was to go to the connector and unplug it/plug it back in, sure enough the camera fired up soon after. I'm gonna go ahead and hack off the harness on both ends and solder the wires together, I'll update here on how it goes, thanks dude.
  3. I recently bought an Audiovox license plate cam from best buy and installed it with my D3. For the first two days I had absolutely no issues, the camera was working properly and was not giving me any issues at all. Last night the camera stopped working properly, instead of displaying what was behind me, I would get thick green lines that would scroll across the screen. I don't know if it's the camera itself that may be bad but I have another Diesel Audio cam laying around that I'm going to install tomorrow and see if I get the same issues as I did with the Audiovox. The problem is intermittent
  4. Really? That's gotta suck, I'm sure a lot of people who buy the D2's off ebay are misled by the fact that it says "DVD-ROM". I retract my previous statement, you learn something new every day.
  5. What are you guys talking about? The D2 does play DVDs.
  6. +1, I haven't seen many decent TRD logos, maybe a TRD logo with the "navi initializing" text and a standard background. It would be much appreciated.
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