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Everything posted by sanjp13

  1. Hi You have options for both. The first option when you go to search by default is Siri but there is a keyboard symbol in the top right corner which brings up a full keyboard.
  2. Apologies for the delay in replying guys! i'll try and answer as much as i can... I paid £350 for it from Halfords, but i did not get them to install it! 1. Yes it is, being parked or driving doesn't effect the unit. 2. I downloaded a video podcast to test, and no video was played back, just the audio was played. 3. No need to bypass anything. I upgraded from an AppRadio 3 to the AppRadio 4 and to be honest, the size difference doesn't really make much different over the functionality you gain. When i installed it, i didn't 'feel' it was a lot smaller, the screen is c
  3. i've just bought and installed an Appradio 4...upgraded from Appradio 3...so far i'm impressed! Spotify is buggy as hell which we all know...hoping tomorrows update to iOS 8.1 fixes a few issues. One question i can answer is, a standard usb to lightning cable works fine. i bought one of the amazon basic ones. if you guys have any questions then let me know..
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