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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Never mind, I got it! Flipped the switch, grounded the light green wire, and BOOM! In motion video!
  2. How do you take the unit out of the dash?!?
  3. so what's this I hear about despite flipping the switch and grounding the green wire, it will sense the car moving and disable the video anyways? Are yall still runnin' strong with no probs?
  4. Yea, there's just a switch, but there's the words void underneath the sticker. Pioneer doesn't mention ANYWHERE in any manual about it, but I e-mailed them about it and they said in fact removing that sticker will void the warranty.
  5. dang, I was hoping just maybe grounding that wire would yield SOMETHING!
  6. What would be the outcome to just ground the green parking brake wire? Would you at least be able to view video at stop lights, ect...?
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