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Everything posted by dingo69869

  1. Hello all, Been away from the forums for at least a couple years now - boy, the site sure has changed it's look... I recently bought an '07 Expedition with factory sub/amp and a rear seat entertainment system (overhead TV) and I'm looking to transfer my head unit over. I've been looking at a few options to put my Z1 (updated the hard drive few years ago, so essentially it's a Z3 - with a Z1 badge) I've come across two options: PAC's C2R-FRD1 adapter, and also a brand called "AXXESS" markets an "AFDI-RSE-01". Which one is recommended? Are they both functionally equal? Seco
  2. What about "FLO TV"? Anyone have this in their vehicle in use with the Z series?
  3. I've had this guy repair my Z1 DVD drive - he's local for me; Ironically, I didn't realize until afterwards - we went to high school together years ago! Kindof a cool coincidence I guess... I'm completely satisfied with his repairs - he actually not only repaired the drive, but he runs a pretty extensive diagnostics or something on the head unit too - he identified a problem with the ground loop in my RCA jacks that I didn't even know about, and fixed that as well (for a reasonable additional fee of course). I recommend his repairs; this guy is legit. -skm
  4. I just got my drive yesterday - received it 2 days after making payment! Works like a charm...Thanks Garret
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