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Posts posted by palrus

  1. Introduction

    WhatIsBypass, AdamOutler and myself present

    The AVIC Development Mod


    We have eliminated the barriers to development on all AVIC units including Android Auto. You can now create your own ROM on an SDCard and boot directly into it. We've broken all the security and obfuscations, and we've delivered it to you in a nice, easy-to-use web user interface. This has essentially turned the Pioneer line of units into Nexus devices, that boot off SD Cards.


    We now have the ability to change the NEX BSP Settings which allow us to unlock the SD Card and change the boot settings that are in the Pioneer NEX. We are asking all ROM developers with a NEX step and help us create our own ROM to run on all versions on the NEX System.


    With the help of all you we can begin to add USB Wifi Drivers, a custom app launcher, the play store, interface skins, more radio presets, radio station data augmented by the internet, Android Auto, iDatalink Gauges, and much more only limited by what we can develop.



    It is fixable though but a pain as described by WhatIsWhat


    Here's a quick overview of what we will do in this post.


    Overview Steps:

    1. Backup your current BSP and Nor Flash

    2. Backup your current internal SD Card, or obtain a backup SD Card Image.

    3. Navigate to https://jenkins.casual-dev.com/job/Customize%20BSP/build?delay=0sec and select the options you want

    4. Remember your build number and download your package.

    5. Extract to USB stick

    6. Put it into USB Port 1

    7. Run Script.

    8. If you removed the SD Card password you need to insert a new internal SD Card with a backup image.

    9. Done!



    How To

    Let's talk about the details, now.


    Run Copy Script Mode:

    1. Insert the USB Stick to USB Port 1 on the device.

    2. Start the deck, it will then reboot into Technical TestMode. You must use the keys to navigate the menus. BE VERY CAREFUL AS SOME OPTIONS CAN BRICK YOUR UNIT.



    3. Use the Vol - button to navigate to "Write Programs Forcibly"



    4. Press the Home Button to select this menu



    5. Use the Vol - button to navigate to "Copy Script"




    6. Press the Home Button to select this menu

    7. Take note of the Values on the right hand side of the screen, THESE WILL BE ERASED. (It is currently unknown if these will be needed in the future). If you really want to keep these values though, you can write them down and place them in the corresponding SDCardCWWVersion.txt before you continue.



    8. Press the Home Button to run the script.

    9. After it says 100% press the Home Button to reset the unit and remove the USB stick.



    Full Steps to get to a development state:


    1. Backup your current BSP and Nor Flash.


    See http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81469-avic-development-mod-device-backup/ for this.


    2. Backup your Internal SD Card (Skip to 3 if you have an unlocked image you want to use)


    See http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81469-avic-development-mod-device-backup/ for this.


    3.Install a Customized BSP


    A. Navigate to https://jenkins.casual-dev.com/job/Customize%20BSP/build?delay=0sec

    B. Select the options that you want to enable. The currently known defaults are already selected. For development select debugSwitch: Debug On Console On, subBootMode: Disable Warp, choicePassword: Remove the Password

    C. Click Build and note the build number that was started on the left.

    D. Navigate to https://jenkins.casual-dev.com/job/Customize%20BSP/NSERT_BUILD_NUMBER_HERE/artifact/ where INSERT_BUILD_NUMBER_HERE is your build number.

    E. Click the (all files in zip)

    F. Extract the contents of the download to a USB Stick. (FAT32 or NTFS)

    G. Follow the "Copy Script Mode" steps.

    H. The unit when it reboots should error out because you removed the SD Card Password lock.


    4. Insert an Unlocked Internal SD Card Image


    A. dd the AVIC.img you backed up to an SD Card of the appropriate size.

    B. Insert the new SD Card into the Internal SD Card slot.

    C. Start up the unit. NOTE: It will take a bit for the device to boot since you have disabled WARP above.


    5. Congrats!!!! You can now remove the internal SD Card at will and modify the items in the partition and put it back into the Deck. Good luck on your Custom Rom Development and be sure to share your creations!!


    What we are now asking of the ROM Community:

    1. Help us by developing custom roms using the steps above and sharing your creations.

    2. Once we have a custom rom we want to share easily, we will get to the steps where we start Creating a new WARP snapshot, and recompiling them back into PRG Update Files.

    3. Find a way to enable ADB, One option would be to add a Network Bluetooth Profile, Another option is figuring out USB OTG properly.

    4. Lets create an app launcher.

    5. Figure out how to modify the maps.

    6. Figure out Android Auto/Bluetooth Audio on older models with the new software.




    Additional Reading

    Repo of the PRG recompile and TestMode Scripts: https://github.com/bassrock/AVIC-NEX

    Pioneer 5100 Sources: http://www.oss-pioneer.com/car/multimedia/files/avic-5100nex/index.html

    Pioneer 5000 Sources: http://www.oss-pioneer.com/car/multimedia/files/avic-5000nex/index.html



    Update 8/13/15: â€‹We have found a new Developer debug mode that can be discussed and spend by following the steps here: http://avic411.com/index.php?/topic/81482-avic-development-mod-developer-debug-menu/

    Thank you very much.

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