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Posts posted by Magister

  1. If buying the map on eBay, do they come with a proper license that looks like this "Pioneer_LMG_for_North_America_SKU_2004688_2018_Q3.lyc" or not? Because installing the FBL or others will not work, you need a license.

  2. On 7/5/2018 at 2:14 AM, traiviet said:

    I followed the directions and was able to copy all map files 2017 q3 to my 8200NEX; however, POI, Building, Dem, and Landmark were not copied. Please tell me what I missed. Thank you

    Do you have a valid lyc file for 2017Q3? A file with a name like:



    It is easy to find maps, but there is never a lyc file and we need it for Pioneer unit...

  3. I think testmode_a lets you boot in android and testmode_n in the NOR bootloader or something, I don't know if you can have a script there on your usb key or something to reflash from here? Some people here knows more than me.

    Or I guess you can open your unit to take the SD card out and copy a raw image of your firmware on it.

  4. On the testmode_n keys, what do the Write Program, Write Bootloader, Write Boot, Write Recovery Platform, Write Opening Data options actually do?


    From my reading, isn't the bootloader information in the NOR/BSP memory unique for each model number? I'm having issues with my unit immediately failing firmware updates so I believe some piece of my default system is corrupt and causes the firmware update to fail as soon as it starts...so I was hoping i could restore all of these things and not mess up my unit. But I didn't want to use the features on these testmode_n keys without understanding what they do?

    From what I understand, on your USB key if you put the firmware AND the testmode key, from the menu you will be able to flash separate partition as you will. For instance if you fucked up your "platform" partition (/system), from this menu you can reflash it individually.

  5. I tried to install a theme on my 5200NEX (running firmware 1.07) but everytime I restart the unit, it deletes my ux folder and the iGO apk is reinstalled, the folder/files go back to original and dated January 2016.


    Anyway to theme the navigation? Delete the iOG.apk?


  6. If you cannot access the "test menu" because you overwrote something (like the kernel) in your unit and the displayed message comes from the bootloader, then you have to put the SD card in your PC and copy the raw image from your PC on the SD card. You have to open your unit to extract the SD card from it.

  7. How do I make this image? I put it in an usb and I do what? could you explain me. Thank you

    If you find an image for your device, F77 or something, it will be about 8GB or 16GB, write it to an SD Card and replace the SD card in your device

  8. As far as I saw on my 5200, you can do the remount RW and modify files only 1 time. After this the system seems to calculate a checksum for the partition and every further operations will fail.

    What I did was to reflash the original PJ160PLT.PRG (you can do that in the menu) then consolidate all my changes in a one time process.

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