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Everything posted by snowman

  1. Just wanted to give a thanks to Garret. Ordered a 30gig hdd and received it within 1 week shipped to Canada. No problems, everything was in the package as promised. Very easy upgrade and recommend anyone thinking on doing it to do it. Don't forget to buy the extra screws as I got 2 of 4 out without stripping but the last 2 wasn't as lucky!
  2. Actually I figured out how to do it with the Blackberry 8830, while on a call you press the 'menu' key and then it has "activate speakerphone' and 'activate handset'. If you click 'activate handset' it goes to private and if you want to go back to bluetooth speaker you press 'menu' again and then it has 'activate speakerphone' and 'activate pioneer hdd'!
  3. So what do you do with your blackberries to get them to go to a private phone call so everyone in the vehicle doesn't join in?
  4. I will have to check that out on my blackberry 8830. I know I had the Parrot in my old truck and you could toggle between private and speaker on the Parrot by hitting the "answer" button on the Parrot device itself.
  5. Does anyone know how to switch to private conversation when using the handsfree with the Z2? Is there a button you can push while talking to toggle between speaker and private on your cellphone or do you have to shut the bluetooth down on your cellphone?
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