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Everything posted by apb

  1. Update - I bit the bullet and ended up deciding to just buy AVH2AVIC (thanks @asd255) and look forward to seeing how that goes.
  2. So my AVH-W4400NEX started bootlooping and I used the excellent post by @HondaR to get it back up and running (replaced the internal SD card). Along the way I saw that you can pay money to add backup camera lines and navigation by using the AVH2AVIC Image or SD Card ($50 or $65 available by contacting @asd255 or buying an SD card on eBay and waiting a month https://www.ebay.com/itm/114825169620). In researching around, it looks like @slackwaredragon might have figured a way to modify the image so that it looks like a W8500NEX (based on this post ). Has anybody made that modification wit
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