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About Rubinos

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  1. The new update does not have the radar but since I day trade. I am loving that it has stocks now
  2. I'm getting the samething. So far no fix for it yet. I love that there is now an option to turn off the beeps.
  3. After trying it out I can say that I love it but there are too much short comings to use it daily. The calibration is way off. There is no way to switch back and forth between the Miopocket and AVIC system. That would be fine with me but the loss of XM just is not worth it. Are there any other Windows CE programs that work with the F900BT out there?
  4. It might just be but when I run Miopocket the .wav files on the SD card automatically start playing even if I switch the source to something else. So far great program. Can't wait for to try out more of this program.
  5. I can't wait to try Miopocket this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes on my 900. Does the new ver. 43 work or is it only the 42 that works?
  6. I was wondering as a noob if an Admin could do something to help us all out. I have used the site since I got my N-3 years ago. I have a 900BT now and have used this site to mod it. I love the themes I have found on here but it feels like I am searching though haystack after haystack to find just one theme. If possible could you set up a Post for just new Themes releases. People would post there themes and noobs like me would be able to find theme. Sort of like deviantart.com but for themes. I am working on my first one too and would love a place to post it rather an any spot. Like
  7. I have been a fan of this site since I got my N-3 bypass information from here. I now have a F900 and was wondering if there is a way to add more services to the limited selections like stocks. The website has more listed. https://www.msndirect.com/services.aspx Thank you again for any help.
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