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Everything posted by tch

  1. Me too. re Ipods. I've got Rockbox running on an IRiver H340 and I want to be able to use the voice controls on a USB storage stick/device (not an Ipod or Iriver) but you can only do things like "next song", "next album" with non-Ipod devices, and that requires you to push a button before speaking, which kind of defeats the purpose. Looking for something out there that has that kind of control with non-Ipod devices but there doesn't seem to be anything.
  2. According to p149 of the manual, you only skip/rewind songs via voice commands with devices like a USB stick. Are there any units that allow you to voice control the artist/album etc with USB drives like you can with the Ipods on the F-series units? My friend said Alpine have been doing voice control in general for a while but I can't find anything on a model from them with voice control for mp3s on USB/SD.
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