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Posts posted by vegaslaptop

  1. I am sorry if I have not been able to respond to anybody. I had some personal things to take care of.




    I agree with minifreezer. You have to make sure of the model number of the stock you are downloading. If it is a software issue going back to stock would reset you to a normal boot. If after that it's still occurring, then I am out of options for you. Unfortunately, you will have to send it to Pioneer.




    Does the iphone have a file (non-music extension file) loaded with Itunes. I have seen a similar behavior when the system tries to read a file but it's not the right extension and crashes. Another thing... seems like the splash screen mod is a common denominator for people that have the reboots. I think 2-3 other users have mentioned that have experienced this issue and had splash screen mod. I maybe way off but I am noticing this trend for now. Replacing a mod that is sized properly should not have any effect on this but I am trying to gather commonalities. If everything else fails, follow the link to download stock and try it without the splash screen for a while.




    Did your issue start with the phone initially? What phone are you using? When you placed the phone call were you using the gps (did you punch in an address)?




    First thank you for the thorough message. This helps a lot when trying to troubleshoot as you already know. First, on the mp3 issue - are you listening through a usb flash or a usb hard drive? Have you tried another usb device to see if the issue is back? I like loading my music on a SD (personal preference). I have a feeling yours might be an alternator issue. I am by no means a car mechanic but maybe the alternator can not generate enough power and that's why the moment you start to drive it start to reboot as the power is now shifting. I know it's all of a sudden but could the alternator be going bad. This is just one thought. The other, hopefully more helpful, is to replace to stock settings. I know you already have stock but during these reboots a file may have gotten corrupted.




    I will try to post the ones from my F90BT for download later. Hopefully this will help you. Did your reboots start when you were using the gps?





    For future reference, anyone that has a problem please provide a brief answer to the following list so that we can help you better and avoid multiple messages until we get an idea what the problem could be.


    First please list the model of you Avic unit (F90BT, F900BT, F700BT, etc.)


    1) Past issues (reboots, freezing)

    2) Have you (or professional) upgraded your Avic to the latest update

    3) Did the issue start before or after the update, if applicable?

    4) Did the issue start after a hack, a mod or a bypass?

    5) How long have you had the hacks, mods or bypass?

    6) How long has the unit worked without a problem?


    With these questions, I am trying to gather information to a pattern of some sort that may have caused the issue that you are experiencing. If you have noticed a pattern, please describe it.


    If somebody would like to add a question that would be helpful in troubleshooting, please pm.



  3. 1. Put the SD Card with the testmode folders in the root directory of the SD Card.

    2. Turn the ignition on

    3. In testmode go to Start->Programs->Windows Explorer

    4. Click on "My Flash Disk" and you will see a bunch of folders and files

    5. Click on Edit menu and select all (or at least the files you are planning to delete - gpspara0.bin, gpspara1.bin, gpspara2.bin and gpspara3.bin)

    6. Go up one level to see the SD Card that you used to boot into test mode

    7. Double click, Edit menu and paste

    8. Go back to the "My Flash Disk" root directory and delete the above mentioned files

    9. Turn off the ignition and take the SD Card out

    10. Turn your ignition on and it should work just fine.


    Let me know if it helps.

  4. Quick update on what it seems like solved my reboots (at least for now). I went in testmode, I copied my flashdisk on an USB flash that I plugged in to be safe, then went back in the flashdisk and looked at what files were used last.

    My reboots started when I used my gps so I was looking for something that would have gps in the filename. In the root directory of my flashdisk, I saw 4 files named gpspara0.bin, gpspara1.bin, gpspara2.bin and gpspara3.bin which were used last. I deleted all 4 of them as I assumed they may be created by the OS. After this I shut off my car, turned it on and no reboot. I have not driven for an extended period yet to be 100% on this solution but for about 10 min I was ok and I was able to select destination and get directions.

    I am not sure what these files are and what they do but so far I am good. I have also a back up of them so my advice is if you are going to follow my steps SAVE YOUR FILES FIRST.


    I will let you know on any updates.



  5. My backup camera started turning off sporadically for a few seconds. Usually it's on a lot longer without turning off if I am not driving. I thought it maybe loose wiring and it happens mostly when I drive but I drove on bumpy roads and it's still fine but it will turn off for a second or two every once in a while. Could it be heat (asking same question as old? It's hitting over 110 here. I have a JVC KV-CM1 (btw any input about the quality of this camera?)


    I checked the power in the Z3 under Settings-Hardware-Connection Status- Power and I see the power changing anywhere between 13.4 to 14 VDC. Could the power be causing the camera chipset to shut-off to prevent burning? I may be completely wrong - just guessing. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.



  6. Hello everybody,


    First let me thank everybody for the great forum and specially Hyperite for the dedication.


    I followed the thread "AVIC-Z3 Hard Drive Image **OFFICIAL**"and read it through multiple times so the end result is - I have a 120GB Toshiba drive that works great (93GB Music Partition - I do not think I will ever get to fill it). I have a question about a Warning and a Caution that I get. When the avic starts up which by the way takes a good 20-30 sec at least (I think maybe the large drive takes longer), I get 2 messages:


    1. When I press the "Map" button a caution pops up telling me something like

    This Navi product is for navigational aid only.... bla-bla click OK
    or something like that. Am I supposed to get this even after the 2 wire bypass? It only appears when the unit is turned on initially.


    2. When I decide to watch a DVD (I know I should not while I am driving and I take all responsibility) it throws a pop up warning that wants me to confirm I have my park brakes on. I say OK and I do not see it until I turn off my car and I see it again next time I turn it on. Again same question - Am I supposed to get this even after the 2 wire bypass?


    I think I did the 2 wire bypass correctly but maybe I am wrong. I do not get locked out or any warnings that my breaks are not connected properly like before. So I guess the 2 wire bypass did work or is it just the HDD image taking care of that warning and I need to redo the bypass?


    Thanks for you time in advance!

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