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Everything posted by BorisM

  1. Go to the Find POI screen and click under the last factory-installed button. That should bring up a Search POI by address dialog
  2. Is available. Please see this topic. http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 753#118753
  3. Many people complained that the unit does not do POI address search. Well, it does. Geniuses at Pioneer just could not fit the button in on a nice screen they designed. A quick fix of poi*.ui files and you can search POI by address. Right now cosmetics aren't the best (ideally someone would paint button backgrounds just like the current ones but smaller so we could fit the whole thing on screen...). Use POI* files in the attachement. The button is on the very bottom. Also includes MSN Directo UI file that makes buttons for entering Debug Status possible. Click the left butterfl
  4. So download both of them, and install the larger one...
  5. iGO probably treats them differently from normal POIs because they need different information. POI generally has category, address, may be telephone, and icon you associate with it. Speed cameras need different things -- location, direction, speed limit, and type. Code that deals with POIs (of which there are far more than cams) does not need to deal with proximity, whether you are travelkling fasyter than camera's limit, etc. So it makes all the sense to treat cameras differently. Text file format is easy to make and distribute, and once you have it in the system much easier to process t
  6. Not an expert really... but I am reading forums of a rather large skin building community to see what I can find. AFAIK iGO will load first files form the secondary_root, then from files in the program directory, and then it will look at the data.zip. Files loaded first are the ones that are used.
  7. skycrave -- Actually, on all other versions of iGO (and I don't think this one is any different), you _can_ unzip some or all files from Data.ZIP into iGO's program directory. In this case they override what is inside DATA.ZIP
  8. Speedcams are text files. iGO converts them into its internal format automatically. Get whatever files you think are necessary for your driving... iGO treats red light cams as a subtype of speed camera.
  9. .UI Scripts overwrite the identically named ones in your DATA.ZIP (scripts you need for speedcams are listed in the other thread post) If you can wait I will have an updated script set one out this evening probably with some cosmetic fixes. In the speedcam folder you need to put a list of actual cameras. I haven't tried it off of a SD Card yet, although I think it should work. Copying them to internal flash works for sure...
  10. I guess you have the 500, and it might be different, but in my experience, after messing with scripts the unit gets stuck in some state where MSND doesn't quite work. Resetting it (with the reset button) fixes it for me though.
  11. In a header section of a UI file you can declare variables. If you add "registermodel permanent" the variable will be saved by iGO so you can store custom configuration settings. Setting OnChange handler will run a script every time variable changes ; Just a variable.
  12. F90 is "Premier" series so it has hi-voltage outputs, and longer warranty. Nothing much different from 900. Units have flash memory, not a hard drive, but you can hook up a USB drive to them...
  13. Disclaimer: Obey all laws, do not speed, do not run red lights. Now the fun part. By the looks of HackZ' screen, he imported POIs with red light cameras. This is nice, but does not give you warnings or anything, as those are just another bunch of POIs. Now, to enable real speed camera functionality, we need two things: 1. List of speed camera settings. 2. Code that enables them. Code is easy: I've posted my scripts in this thread: http://www.avic411.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17820 Getting cameras in: you need a specially formatted text file that has camera coordinates, typ
  14. Disclaimer: this is for people comfortable with UI files. There are rough edges and unfinished settings. This also includes software bypass. Please be careful, obey all laws, and use at your own risk. 1. Speed Cameras work (place*.ui; setting*.ui; speedcam*.ui) 2. House numbers displayed on the bottom of the screen (navigatemap*.ui) 3. (UNFINISHED) Added vehicle type selection to route options. (setting*.ui) 4. MSN Info. Shows extra information about MSN Direct service and lets you set some options. Does not save some. Please do not use for other than educational purpos
  15. Has been hacked a few minutes ago. Will post in Progress Report thread once I have some other things working....
  16. Also, you can program things to fire OnClick -- happens as soon as you press on it. OnLongClick -- If you've used a touch-screen PDA you know that one. Press and hold a button and after a while something happens. For example, you could have a button that will take you to favorites if you just click it, but would route you home if you hold it...
  17. It's in the manual. Or system settings...
  18. Another thing, mostly for fun... If you put content="Storage Card\IGO\Content" in the [folders] section of sys.txt and copy content folder form thу flash disk, you can run iGO with data off of the storage card... rather handy if you want to experiment with different maps, schemes etc.
  19. Gas Icons went away, but apparently if you go into Manage POIs and change anything in there, they come back... I think this is something that needs to be changed in default.vis file, but I haven't figured it out yet. Yes, once Speed Cameras are enabled it will work like in Europe. At least unless Pioneer excluded the actual functionality form the executable itself... I don't know what MSN Group Messages and Weather Warnings should show (well, weather warnings probably stuff like tornadoes) but at least the option is unlocked...
  20. Nothing much to report today... I got my house numbers pretty much where I want them, but for the life of me I can not get a nice background under them. Any hints? I've just about unlocked the Speed Camera interface. Only need to uncomment one more place where Pioneer commented it out before going to the car next time. Buildings still do not work. If you put some iGO color schemes into APL2\IGO\Content\Scheme folder, they will work, as long as they do not refer to bitmaps that are not on the AVIC. MSN Direct group message and Weather Warnings screens now show, but I haven't see
  21. BorisM

    Speed Input

    If you can, you do want to connect the VSS and Reverse wires. They do not affect the bypass (either hard- or software one) but do increase navigation accuracy. Also, if you use a rear view camera, reverse wire lets AVIC switch to it automatically.
  22. Sure. I didn't bring my phone with me when I went to the car to install all this stuff today. I'll try to take some tomorrow.
  23. 1. House numbers: Use navigatemap_800_480.ui attached. Still needs some cosmetic work but better than nothing. 2. Building Visibility: Use setting_800_480.ui and setting.ui. Still doesn't work tho. 3. Extra MSN info/settings. Use msnd_800_480.ui and msnd.ui You _can_ select what grade of gas you want to see for your prices, see service info and much more. This is purely work in progress, so cosmetics are nonexistent. Does not save gas grade preference yet. On the main MSN Direct screen I made two hidden buttons visible. Left one turns on debug mode, right takes you
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