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Everything posted by HornedFrogGrant

  1. Apparently I have no clue what I'm doing. I downloaded the above mentioned file to an SD card, popped it in my F90BT, and started my truck. It didnt do anything, and browsing the "system settings" menu, I couldnt find anywhere that would allow me to upload anything from the SD card. Any tips for a clueless newbie? I have zero experience with car audio, much less running programs/files/whatever on a headunit.
  2. Sounds like the same exact problem I'm having with the Bluetooth in my F90BT. I'll have to give your "fix" a try.
  3. Anybody? Nobody has any thoughts on this? Are these problems common? I really love the F90BT, but these issues are frustrating. Is it difficult to remove the unit from my dash, so I can ship it back to Pioneer for warranty work?
  4. Hey yall. Last October I had a F90BT installed in my truck by the folks at "CarToys". I've been having problems with it, and CarToys has not been helpful at all, because I chose not to pay extra for their bogus in-house "protection plan"... with the "Pioneer Premier" 2-year warranty, I assumed I'd be OK. First problem is with the Bluetooth. For the first few months, it worked fine. Then it stopped working entirely. The blue "Bluetooth" light on the unit blinks for a few moments when I start my truck, but then stops. I've tried turning on/off the Bluetooth feature several times through the
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