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Everything posted by 1sicknickel

  1. Having the same issue bump.
  2. I changed the name and still nothing. It looks like the stock map still.
  3. So I tried what you said and deleted the Data.zip and I put the Keepers Kevins_11-20-08.zip file and nothing happened when I tried to reboot. Once I reboot it just said System Startup Please Wait and it did nothing for a few minutes so I turned the monitor off. Reloaded the original Data.zip and now back to square 1.
  4. Okay I have attempted to put the ui_pioneer folder into My Flash Disk/APL2/iGo/ and I have nuthing but issues when I tried to reboot. So I deleted it and I want to start from scratch.. What am I doing wrong here? I haven't ever done this so Im just taking a wild guest. What am I suppose to put where?
  5. So this is an example of what is on my SD card. So what on this screen actually goes where in the iGo folder or better yet what goes where? Sorry everyone Im just hella confused and very new to this hacking my headunit thing[/img]
  6. Disregard what I just said guys. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks for the replies. 2 last questions. So I take it that I have to upload from a SD card and not from the USB jumpdrive right? Also, I downloaded a zip file to change the quick launch buttons on the nav. Do I input everything that was unzipped into the MiTACAP/APL2/iGo section or MiTACAP/APL2/iGo/content or just the Root of the SD car
  8. I have been lerking the forum finally joined and I have been reading up on hacks and such. My question is How do I get into "Test Mode"? Like what is the procedure to do so? I have the USB stick and also SD card in both slots but I am not seeing a Test Mode screen anywhere. Sorry for such a noobie question I have searched the forum and haven't had any luck.
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