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About krueger81

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  1. this only works half for me. it takes away the small icons, the background and some info, but it leaves 0000 on the first and second line. also the scale keeps on screen. how do I lose that? The speed limit sign shows up and it seems to be trakcing the speed limit. Also Elevation shows up. NICE !!! But the numbers from the factory stuff is still there? How do I get rid of that ?? Thanks Phil
  2. would you mind posting a complete Data.zip file with just that mod I tried to plug in your code into maverickster's completed filed and I think something got messed up cause now my unit is stuck on starting up and never completes that process? Thanks Phil
  3. I think you need to set the visiblemodel on the factory stuff to not show when there is no route active so that only the speed limit is displayed. I dont have the code in front of me but if you look in Mavericksters (I think that's his name!) thread you can see the code you need to change, look at the bit where he adds the speed limit and elevation to the bottom left. I'll try that tonight when I get home from work thanks a bunch. Phil
  4. I added the code at the very bottom. the modded code is only called on once cause the speed limit only shows up once. but the facory settings are still showing
  5. take a look at his original picture taht he posted. now imagine the factory stuff is disaplyed on top of that in the lower left hand side. that's what I have going on. I'd totally be down with taking pictures tomorrow though it's kinda windy and rainy here atm Thanks for all your help phil
  6. here are the pictures. had to take them side ways it's dark outside and the glare from the flash was horrible. these were actually taken with a 10 MP camera. no clue why they are so blurry ;( you can totally see the white behind though where those are the new signs. they look bad ass but QQ they are overlapping
  7. copied the data.zip file from my avid to my flash drive in case I effed it up somehow added the code that was posted at the beginning of this thread to the bottom of the navigatemap_800_480.ui file that I found in the data.zip file in the ui_pioneer\800_480\ui folder copied the modified data.zip file to my avic restarted the avic everything shows up. but it's double for some reason. i can post a pic if it would make more sense?
  8. not sure what that means I don't think anywhere in this thread is it described where the new pieces are added and then taking the old pieces out? is there any way to disabled the "Disaplyed info" that is built into the unit itself? Phil
  9. yeah I got a little post happy I found the files and managed to get the approriate changes made now the original stuff shows over the modded icons. anyway to get rid of that? I am trying to look at the .ui file but I suck at coding
  10. I must be retarded. you said to copy the bmp files into \ui\pioneer\common I can't even find that folder? is that supposed to be on the F Series or on my flash disk?
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