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Everything posted by yonel

  1. arrete !!!!!!!!! peux etre pas quand meme ?!!!! aye
  2. treba da cekam novi jailbreak...mogu da ima novi jailbreak V6.01 ....22 decembar....
  3. Mike, you're right about air server...it's only "basic" not full option... Dude, if you can try apple tv system, i'm curious !! not sure to have video , but not sur to not have too, maybe it will need a kind of patch software or something like that, but anyway if you can try it , great !!!
  4. pas mal, et l'interface d'igo je la trouve sympa en plus !!! bon Jelena elle chante bien aussi, looooooooooool vivement un jailbreak 6.01....chui dans l'impossibilité de downgrader...pas de sauvegarde sur ipod 4....si t'as des infos...je prends à l'occase merci pour l'astuce....( tu m'en avais parlé, mais en demonstration, c'est de la bombe )
  5. i was thinking of an "appletv" device to connect to the appradio so that wirelessly something could work...but...too hard to transform that... i"m sur pioneer must find a solution with an intermediate device that works wirelessly ...like appletv device connected insted of the iphone to the appradio( if they want to stay alive with appradio and iphone...) something like that...
  6. that's a good question...and sure it will be the solution for "tomorow" even with iphone 5...iphone.6...iphone256 etc.... i can"t downgrade my ipod touch 4...so that i'm "locked" to try it. ( i buy it as second hand firm 6, cheap price and very good alternative idea...) mike, if you find a way to this, just sell the app to pioneer , sure you can earn money you deserve for all your work !!! ( i'm serious !! )
  7. as you see, it was one year ago , with os of one year ago...( os 5...)
  8. i will show a video as soon as possible with ipod 4....pioneer tech are not fair because on the box of appradio it is writed ipod touch 4 or iphone 4... from your 3Gs ( wich os ? ) you have to look my video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WJ7wEppisT4
  9. I've used before , the 3gs...it worked as long as wasn't ios6... but only for mp3 and youtube display ( launched from iphone ) now i'm using ipod touch 4 (os 6.01) ...all is ok, but not the datas... for gps, i cannot be sure 100% it work, because one time something bugged on my ipod or appradio... using waze gps works correct , if you prepare your road from an internet connection, it seems it keeps in a kind of temp memory all the roads...even your "memorised" roads ( home , work, other mode ) it can even sometimes tell you the road traffic ( maybe with free wireless connection...but
  10. who told me it was impossible blablabla.... or it's a great fake, or it's simply possible !!!!!!!!!
  11. bon selon Dejan, et je lui fais entierement confiance à ce sujet, appradio 2...negatif ( sauf si quelqu'un veut "risquer" )
  12. pour le sph-da02.... je ne sais pas du tout...contrairement au da01 dispose de sa micro sd en facade et qui permet de charger le mode appradio plus.... en theorie ce n'est pas impossible ( suffirait de se mettre comme en mode mise à jour avec le programme appradio plus ) mais en pratique....c'est un risque potentiel pour vos postes...( je ne me souviens plus du contenu des 33 posts de ce sujet ...)
  13. you miss the Audio video fonction in that configuration....
  14. Does igo primo works instead of navgate drive ? in normal use ( no jailbreak and appextension....) just normal. i've just had a look in itunes, and navgate drive cost now 99€ whereas it was 89...and 79.... and igo primo cost almost twice less !!!!!!!!! completly crazy from pioneer !!! what justify that ? ( if it's about "buggy" appradio advanced mode for this app ...??? ok, but not this price )
  15. don't ask me "how" but now it works.....even with waze gps...???
  16. you're right in one point....the better "easy" adaptation, is appradio itself.... but, i would easily forget about fm radio too ...doing like the volkswagen passat cc....when it's about listen radio....honestly i listen more my mp3....
  17. transfert sound bluetooth to a basic input amplifier....linked to the speakers.... and seems that xcarlink bluetooth device let the steering wheel control fonctions available for apple device... the only thing that would be less , is the radio AM FM fonctions... exemple of bluetooth transfert sound device
  18. if something like that exists for all fonctions ??? would be great !!! ( but i can't answer to your question , sorry )
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