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About HomerMAC

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  1. .. okay sorry ... I just came across a mazda 3 install here which explained everything... except the mods thing, Can i install ALL the mods that are done on teh 700+ or is there a list of ones only 500 compatible?
  2. I skimmed through the FAQs and could not come up with an answer. I want to get the 500bt for my car as an ad on. I have the wiring the unit part down. After reading all the specs I realize what is involved and think I can integrate this unit into my car for a dash mounted system with a cover so it looks like it belongs on the dash. My delema is this. Can the mods i.e. speed cam, the launcher program, backgraound changes and other mods be done to the 500 bt or are they reserved for 700+ ?
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