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Everything posted by craw

  1. craw

    Newest POI

    Where can I always find the newest Poi like speedcam, restaurants and so on?? I only need it for austria THX
  2. craw

    speedcam austria

    It does not help!!! waited 30min and it did not help Could somebody post a url (link) for austria speedmapthat works!!!
  3. craw

    speedcam austria

    I have loaded a lot of speedcams from different pages!!! All of them were txt files!!! I copied them to the folder (speedcam)!!! But when the radio started it always is written on a box "System is starting, please wait" And it do not close!!1 Where can I find a working speedcam for austria!!! THX
  4. craw

    Freecom 120gb

    In fat32 it works now!! But why not in ntfs???? thx
  5. craw

    Freecom 120gb

    My avic f900bt does not accept my freecom 120gbvexternal hard disk?? IT is format into ntfs What can I do?? Is this too big???
  6. craw

    ezrider copy

    Do I only have to copy the ezrider.exe or do i have to coy all the files so data and sys too??? HX
  7. craw

    Austria map

    I know now how i can get it on the navi!!! But where can I find the license for the 2008.10 for austria!!! In the downloaded pack is only 2 called (austria.fbl and austria.poi) Is one of the the license or where can I download it!!! thx
  8. Or how can i make the radio completely reset??
  9. Thx works now Shit display often do not accept
  10. I have kalibre the display but now i can not choose settings or phone (all tabs in the edges)!!!! Only the buttons in the middle react??? What can I do??? Whow can i make it away??? THX
  11. But the whole display does not do anything when I touch it!!!! The task list also get green and in the left corner is a button with okay but it did not work!!!! Nothing works!!!
  12. Yes I did that, but then a window came where the radio copy the files and suddenly it turned into green and you could not do anything!! And on the sd card is also nothing !! Please help
  13. Please help me!!! I have the maps 2007.04 on and I want the 2008.10 on!!! What do I have to do?? Thx
  14. How can I update the maps of the pioneer avic f900bt?? Is there anywhere a how to??? I need the middle of europe (germany ausrtia switzerland a.s.o)!!! Thank you
  15. craw

    Austria map

    please help whow can i get the newest on it???
  16. I have downlaoded the leet launcher v3 and copy it on a sd card (before formate) is it not nessasary if it is fat or ntfs??? I copied it on with one mp3 file and the radio found it!!! I turned the car off and on but it do not start?? Start it on his selve or do I have to do something on the radio to start it??? Please help me i habe not found any in the leet launcher tread
  17. craw

    Austria map

    i think european the radio was bought in austria
  18. craw

    Austria map

    and where is a good faq how i can get it on the navi???
  19. craw

    Austria map

    I need the newest map for austria Where can I get it in this forum and is there a faq to bring it on the navi?? I am new please help me!!! Thank you
  20. Hello to all user of this forum I am new and i have already a lot of questions!! THe first and I think very important is: I have a corsa opc with the pioneer avic f 900bt and with the kabel to handle it by the steering wheel!!! I also have a iphone and i do not know whow to acept a phone call by the steering wheel?? Whow can I choose this on the navi or what can I do??? Thank you
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