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  1. ZiUL

    Windows CE Mode

    you can use the wince unlocker or just after the pioneer logo shows up, press and hold the menu + vol until you see a dialog asking if you want to load wince.
  2. Ohhh! No no no no... don't touch the blue screen. Just download that file, extract it in a SD card, put the SD card in the unit (slot in the right side) and turn it on. You don't need to press any key. The system will load and a popup screen will show up asking if you want to replace some files, select yes. The unit will restart and you should have you windows screen.
  3. This should work: http://benji46.free.fr/GPS/WinCE%20Unlocker%20V3.rar Just extract the files on your SD card and do an "on/off" on your S1.
  4. With the mio software you have more updates on the maps and sometimes better directions.
  5. I don't think that you can add an external video source to the S1 because it would require hardware modifications which I think are impossible to do. One thing that would be easy is to add an 3.5mm (headphone) jack to the S1 so you can plug it to your car stereo or on an unlocked system, listen to mp3.
  6. ZiUL

    flashing s1

    hey cmonex! I sent you a PM with my msn
  7. ZiUL

    flashing s1

    hello cmonex! I still stuck with it, can you help us?
  8. Just plug your avic-s1 on your computer and run the update.
  9. Ok... after browsing some French forums and other places I found some nice mods and hacks that weren't meant for the S1 but works anyway. A) You can access the WinCE interface without replacing any files: Turn off the device using the on/off button on the back Now hold MENU and the VOLUME rolling key (just hold down) Turn the device back on Now you should see a dialog asking if you want to load the WinCE interface. The hardware is almost the same as the MIOMAP 310x so I was able to install the miomap (iGO) software on it. C) Here is a webiste http://benji46.free.fr/ that go
  10. I don't know anything about updates but I'm working on getting tomtom running on the S1 or other navigation software...
  11. ZiUL

    flashing s1

    The correct image probably is 32mb
  12. ZiUL

    flashing s1

    Just tried to flash but it give me an error: CE IMAGE IS TOO LARGE! Any ideas?
  13. ZiUL

    flashing s1

    Hey sanco... let us know when you got it working... I'm trying to install the navigon 6 on it... I got the splashscreen working but that's it.
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