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Everything posted by mrt2

  1. Ok I'm sold on this unit but I'd like to find the cheapest place to get one of these. You guys have any suggestions for getting one of these at the cheapest price possible? Think I could find it for sub $1k?
  2. Well so I've been on this search for the holy grail of HU's and I've been bouncing a couple of ideas around in my head. The two I have narrowed down is either the AVIC x910 or the Alpine W505 with either the MVE-P1 or the MVE-M300. I like the AVIC for customizability as I love modding things and being able to skin interfaces as well but on the other hand from what I've read and seen in videos the menu system, GUI, and lil quirks seem like they would annoy the hell out of me. I like the Alpines' interface but I do understand that the NAV isn't great... my biggest thing right now would be GUI f
  3. Wow this is the quietest I've seen this thread in several weeks... isn't everyone excited about a new HU from Pioneer coming soon?!!??!
  4. Well I'm definitely glad I waited to purchase now. I was about to bust and just get the f90... Hopefully the f910 will fix some of the bugs of the F series that was causing some apprehension with my making the purchase. Can't wait till it comes out and I can finally get my hands on a good (hopefully) head unit. If it's getting unveiled at the road show next week, I wonder how long it will be before it comes to the stores? I also wonder what the price will be... any idea what the price was of the f90 or f900 when it first came out?
  5. So what does this mean? The new US model that's supposedly coming is probably AVIC-X910BT?
  6. See for a while I was planning on getting the Alpine w505 but then I saw this forum (avic411) and I saw all the awesome hacks/mods that could be done with the F-Series in particular and I was amazed. I'm a hack and mod guy by nature (computer engineer by trade). I'm unaware of any Alpine modding/hacking community. The only thing is, I don't want to sacrifice functionality just because of the possibility of modding. At the same hand I don't want to sacrifice a good nav just for better iPod integration... why I can I find a unit that's like the best of both worlds? LOL From the reviews I've rea
  7. Man this SUCKS LOL... I have no idea what head unit to get... the Alpine w505 looks good as far as music goes and iPod integration and ease of navigation etc... but the GPS sucks... I don't know what trade offs I'm willing to take. I want a good sleek interface, great iPod control AND a good robust GPS including voice turn by turn... I also want good BT and 'voice command' options although voice command is a feature I could live without I guess... Why I can't I find a unit that is good at all of these things? It's like searching for a mythical unicorn that doesn't exist lol.
  8. Any link to F9110 info? Also I'm not saying I know what the future is, all I'm saying is that the guy I called here in the states said that a new series is coming in 2 weeks and I quote "If I recall correctly the Pioneer distributor said it would be the X Series".
  9. Any competition that you would recommend? I'm looking for something with subperb iPod support and album art etc... as well as a good Nav and a pretty interface. Suggestions?
  10. Well I just called one of my local dealers yesterday and tried to order an f90bt and the dealer said and I qoute "I don't mind taking your money butni know for a fact that a brand new line is being released in 2 weeks with significant chngea so you might want to wait". I'm pretty sure if there wasn't a good chance that at least SOMETHING wasn't compmg out soon, the sales guy would been content taking my money. Take it for what it's worth.
  11. Ok I've been reading lots and lots on different Head Units for the last couple of weeks and some people (especially on this forum obviously) praise the F series PLUS it has amazing modifications you can do to it. This appeals to my geek side as I'm a computer nerd at heart and I love anything that has a good dev community and is very customizable with themes and DIY mods/hack possibilities. Here's the problem though... I"m reading a lot of horror stories about the F series as well and it's making it hard to make that purchase. These are the 4 I'm looking at so far: Alpine w505 Kenwood DN
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