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Everything posted by pioneerfan86

  1. okay disregard message above.... i figured it out.... i have successfully updated to 2.06, entered win ce and bypassed the video and navigation! yay!
  2. okay disregard message above.... i figured it out.... i have successfully updated to 2.06, entered win ce and bypassed the video and navigation! yay!
  3. can someone please post a testmode files for the 2.06 units for US/CAN... please!!!!! I cant get into win ce with the files posted in the OP.
  4. I have the exact same issue... when i had the 2.0 running on my f700bt I was able to get into the win ce but no data.zip folder exited in there.... so now I went ahead and installed the 2.06 update and now i cant get into win ce via the testmode files i had before. can someone please give me a link to working testmode files for thE US/CAN units that will let me get into win ce on 2.06 update please... i looked around and couldn't find any!
  5. yup you need a hi input to rca converter... and wallah!
  6. oh dude... that is awesome help!!!!!!!! But i never thought about the radio, LOL.... i use the radio maybe once every 4 months... and thats for traffic reasons! So I dont think that will stop me from using this as my HU. I think im all set to go then! thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. wow! no body on this forum knows any answers to my above post? no way... somebody's gotta know, LOL!
  8. hey guys, I need the Pioneer guru's to chime in and help me out!!! I got the following navigation and amplifier as linked: http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/10/2 ... index.html http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/25/3 ... index.html What Im wondering is can I take out my cars current head unit and and use this in place of it as a head unit. I am a little confused as to whether this setup will work IN addition to a existing head unit or can it be used just by itself. I understand I wont have a cd player anymore obviously, but, that would be fine by me. Simply put, with out a
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