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Everything posted by FirePhoenox

  1. Bump.. still no news on modding the Top Menu backgroud?
  2. MilesA, WE can change the Icons thats easy the part we cant figure out is changing the Actual background to a picture not just plain black
  3. Thats Black background with no icons touche6784 is becaause you Zipped it wrong, after you un zip the Image.res and add the .bmp you need to go into the first image folder and zip that back up not the main folder that it unzipped I did not unzip Image.res. I click and dragged the .bmp file into the common folder within the 7zip program. Like I said, no unpacking, unzipping was done to Image.res. Maybe I am doing it wrong. yep even if you just add it and did not unzip, it still will mess up. the only full proff way i found is unzip it, add/remove your pics, the zip it back up wi
  4. Are you trying to change the actual black background or the three images for the destination, contacts, and AV source buttons? The Actual Black Background
  5. Can we some pics of what you have done so far? I will get some pics on here maybe tonight or early tomorrow. looking for my camra cord atm lol
  6. i was told it was file 746_32K_MN-000_24b.bmp in the image.res, but there is no file by that name so i decided to make one and it does not work. anyone have any idea's?
  7. Thats Black background with no icons touche6784 is becaause you Zipped it wrong, after you un zip the Image.res and add the .bmp you need to go into the first image folder and zip that back up not the main folder that it unzipped
  8. yep, i changed the Navi menus to my background but thats in the Data.zip filein the folder APL2, everything in there is Map related. the Top menu background is in the Image.Res file in the APL Folder, well it was before all the updates
  9. I know it has been asked before but after looking over the forums for 3 days its time to ask. in the new 3.0 does anyone know how to change the "TOP MENU" Background image? i was told it was file 746_32K_MN-000_24b.bmp in the image.res, but there is no file by that name so i decided to make one and it does not work. anyone have any idea's?
  10. Thats cool, I thank you alot for helping with the Image.Res. I spent all night till 6am trying to find out what was going on, i looked on google, here, wiki, ect... and after 26 hours I decided to post and hope i would get lucky. when i am done with my Theme i'll post it. but its for Audi's, so if anyone likes it when its done i'll do Vechile ones for request. just need to change the Text Colors and do the Top menu background.
  11. I tried it and guess what it works :) you are the MAN (or Women) lol. only got one more question, What file is for the Top Menu Background? lol
  12. I am Using 7-Zip and trying to edit my Image.Res file but no matter how i try ( unzip then rezip ) My F900BT loads to top menu with no icons, i can still push buttons and they work but all my icons are gone. So i then tried to edit the files from within 7-Zip and i get a error when i try to delet or add a file " Not Implemented". was wondering if this is 7-Zip or the Image.Res file locked in the new 3.01 update? if its not the file can anyone help me with a program or instructions onhow to mod the Image.Res file ( 7-Zip settings for zipping Ect...)
  13. sorry you must have missed under stood me, i have smart zoom off, like i did with 2.0, i updated to 3.0 and now the roads names are fine i am talking about the Roads overlays them self's, you see all the raods are just lines after about 100 feet away and as i drive the road overlays move also, i was wondering if there was a script that made them draw as far as Firmware 2.0 did
  14. That Sucks, sorry to hear it, i have a 2001 Audi A6 and it has Sonic window sensors, even if the window is left down as soon as anything comes in the wind ( anything bigger then a lighter lol) it sets the alarm off. too bad the alarm is a second horn located in the trunk its not very loud so i up dated it with a Eletric air Horn, and now i hate to even set it at night cause its so damn loud
  15. well i have a Audi Mod going on right now with the Audi logo in the back ground, i can use it in the destination and map screens but no go for the Av and Main menu, sonewhere here someone said its in your Image.Res file, well i unzipped it the person said theres a file named 746_32K_MN-000_24b.bmp but mine dont have that file it starts off at 746_32K_MN-001_24b.bmp . so i made a bmp same as my splash screen and when i rezip and load it on my main screen buttons are gone but i can still ckcik where they were. i even tried to use Adobe Photoshop and add a Alpha Channel but no go. So i am not sur
  16. Thanks for the reply, i am looking into this but have not had any luck as of yet.
  17. was wondering if anyonw knew what code moves the Map Confirmation Screen Button below the 3D/2D button? I tried in the navigatemap_800_480.ui but it dont move, i can get the 3D/2D button to move and all the buttons i made it seems thats the only one it wont let me move is Map Confirmation Screen Button. please any help on this thanks . working on a new Skin theme for Audi Owners. will share and upload it after i am done. at this rate a few more days
  18. thanks for the help its a sweet program for the bitmaps, but it wont load them, and i can't find anything to unzip them with everything i tried ends up saying not a valid .bmp file
  19. Bump... anyone? any idea's at all, lol
  20. ok here goes, i am working on making Navi button and i got the bitmap and the codes for the key clicks so it changes colors when pressed but the problem i am having is for each stock button most of them have a bitmap file i cant read and i thing it has to do with the making the edges of the real bitmap smooth, most of the stock pictures in the bitmap file has a black edge around them but when in the navi theres no black edges, so i think its what i need to edit but i have no clue what program or how to open the unreadable bitmap. if i am wrong can someone please guide me in the right direction
  21. New 3.01 update, was wondering if anyone could tell me how to adjust the road lines? the line that load as you drive, i use a tilt mod and it seems the lines dont draw very far on the new update. i have a F900BT. any help woulld be great
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