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Everything posted by djbstl

  1. Here's what I'm not fully understanding: I read some posts from people that their antenna can get some reception in motion while driving out of their trunk. I've got a hatchback so I have the antenna pointing right at the window with no obstruction, yet I cant get a signal when driving. The antenna I have cost $30. Its nothing special, but it doesnt have rabbit ears. Instead its a flat square (as listed in the link I posted earlier) pointing at my window. Should I be looking for a different antenna or is this really just not duable at the moment with current technology?
  2. All I did was split the AV input so I can run my ipod and tv on the unit. The only thing I have to do is toggle between ipod and video in the settings to make it work. I have an HDTV receiver under my passanger seat and I ran the cables under the carpet into the unit. Works perfect. Just need to know what to get for an antenna to make it work when driving.
  3. I've gotta question regarding an HDTV setup for the 900. Currently I have everything I need installed and the picture is great when I'm not in motion. Unfortunately in motion, even with an antenna booster I can't get a signal. This is the antenna I have for the moment: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=11080816 Can anyone suggest an antenna that will pick up a signal when in motion? I have a 2009 Scion XB, so I have a hatchback which should easily pickup broadcasted signal with the right antenna (or so I would think). Thanks in advance!!!
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