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Everything posted by jezikk

  1. Hello, I used Pioneer navgate FEEDS to stre on my USB custom user POI (in kml format). So on my USB are 2 folders: POI and USERICON. In POI folder I have POI.kml files and in the USERICON have icon.bmp files. Both files (kml and bmp) have the same names. My AVIC see POI categories but not see icons. I read that i should add them to Branding.zip to ui_pioneer/common/ I also tried that, but normal copying files to that destination didnt help. Should I add to each category an SPR file? What to put there ? I use IDT #2 skin and Red Themplate by Dragon24. Thanks in advance
  2. hello, I will hijack the treat a little bit and and if somebody have a polish TTS voice ? I downloaded from the internet a couple but none of them worked with my avic F910. thx in advance
  3. Any ideas what can we do to restore the last used position ? IMO it must be something with the ezrider. I checked the solution with removing the USB and also SD card but with no luck.
  4. @Dragon24 - When do you plan to release red version ?? I would like to give it a try.
  5. It's something strange with my Nokia (symbian) phone. Finally it's working with the hacked ezrider, however I had to put all my numbers WITHOUT any prefixes (+48, 0). Only exact number XXXXXXXXX.
  6. Thx for testing it, can it be somehow connected with hacked ezrider.exe ? I've tried the format +48xxxxxxxxx (all my phone numbers in my nokia phone are stored in this way) but avis is just showing the number 0xxxxxxxxx calling. When I change the format to 0xxxxxxxxx and store it in the avic phonebook it's still showing that number 0xxxxxxxxx calling :/ I will try to get back to original state (restore my backup) and test it with all original files. I'll let you you know the the end of the week.
  7. I like the AV button, but on the default state I could be collapsed, so no information about radio station or played mp3 files is shown. Of course button with this action can be placed somewhere else, not have to be at the bottom-right. However, it's nice to have one click shortcut to actual av source.
  8. Can somebody tel me what should be the correct way number should be stored in AVIC. I've tried in following with no luck: +48 (are code) (phone number) 0048 (are code) (phone number) (are code) (phone number) In all this cases my Nokia show on the screen how's calling but avic not, always the number :/
  9. I tried to use at least 3 different hacked ezrider.exe from the forum and attached licence files. About DEM files I downloaded EasternEurope or NASA files from volny.cz Rest files (buildings) I checked from newest TA maps and Q4.2008 Navteq maps.
  10. I checked without usb in, unfortunately it's not working without the usb. Moreover, it's working with the original ezrider (but then you are not able to use mods or newer maps). I've already checked 3-4 different ezriders from forum and with all of them the same issue.
  11. thx idt for information about multidraw. I didnt know that's there. However, I have some questions: - how can I add a button "MultiDraw" to the Multiplan screen. (eg: on the bottom bar), how ? - how can I correct the speed limit sign - now the limit in located too low during navigation, You had the same problem in previous version but when not navigating. - I have buildings (3DL) files but this building are very small, can I make them bigger ? How ? - how can I add map changer ? As i read on the igo forum it's possible to keep maps in the sdcards, that might be interesting if our avi
  12. Take a look here: http://www.gurjon.com/gj_hp/ "Map Changer" - Changed maps directory and restart igo application. "MultiDraw" - Draw on the screen all available routes. It's based on the "MultiCalculate", which is already included in IDT.
  13. Does anybody knows how to add to IDT#2 something like "map changer" and "MultiDraw " halfpatches from gurjon ? I saw that multidraw is integrated is some other mods on the forum. Can somebody write some short tutorial how to do it ? Thx in advance.
  14. I have similar problem. I user hacked ezrider.exe from the forum and IDT#2 mod. When I turn off the car leaving AVIC on the e.g. radio view after i start it again it loads into main screen. My unit doesn't remember last position, any solutions ?
  15. I tried to run gurjon skin on avic but with no luck. That's why I asked if somebody tried to implement it into some other mods like IDT#2 or Diaftia. Maybe somebody have some king of instruction/manual how to put it info original data.zip.
  16. Hi all, does anybody tried to integrate "map changer" by gurjon (http://www.gurjon.com/gj_hp/ - last one on the list) ? In some areas it's nice to have different maps available in the avic, eg: Poland. TeleAtlas maps are good for travelling between cities but in the EMapa there is much more details on addresses. p.s. Maybe during integration it will be also possible to include Country information from the same page.
  17. Now I'm using the autum schema from IDT#2 mod. Today I will try to change it to RealView and let You know. EDIT: I checked the RealView schema and nothing changed. See only historical monuments and buildings, nothing more. However, at the same time on the PPC Igo I see normal buildings and terrain just outside the city. I've checked different terrain files (the from volny.cz, NASA) with no luck. Any ideas ?
  18. I was drive with 2 igo working, one on the AVIC f910 and other was Igo 8.3 with GJ skin on my PPC. On both I have the same files for terrain, building, monumets, etc... In PPC i see normal building, terrain (eg rivers, mountains, etc) but on the avic i can't see terrains buildinds but I see monumets. On the avic I have IDT#2 mod with following lines in sys.txt [debug] enable_buildings=1 traincrossing=1 show_lane_info=1 [map] 3d_landmarks=1 ;(1) .3dl files 3d_buildings=1 ;(1) .3dc files 3d_buildings_distance=3 ;(1) far 3d_dem=0 ;(1) no terrain details 3d_dem_de
  19. Hello folks, I have the same problem. I use hacked ezrider, licence file, newest mapas, 3dl, 3dc files and see only monumets. Moreover, i put a DEM files but igo dosnt show the terrain details. I also switch it on in the nav settings. Can anybody help us with this problems ?
  20. My parking break wire is grounded. I can watch video, put destination while my car is moving. So here i'm sure that it's ok. Any other ideas ?
  21. Hello, I'm new to AVIC and I have a problem with my phone connected to AVIC. I paired the devices and now my nokia connect AVIC every time i'm in car. I also transferred all my contact from phone to pioneer, but when i initialize call from my nokia avic is showing on the screen "unknown connection". The same is when I receive phone call on the screen is shown unknown. Is the any possibility to hack avic to show this numbers//persons from phone book ? On other systems eg: nokia carset, original Honda and Toyota navi they all show name or number when making or received phone calls. It do
  22. Hi all, What was done wrong, and what can i do to correct it ? Under AV Setting all options expect first 3 (av input, ctrl antena) are not active. I'm not able to change screen size, Mute type, Rear speakers, Auto PI, FM Step. Can anybody help me with it ? BR Lucas
  23. Hello, Thx IDT for excellent mod for my AVIC. However I have one problem with it, after complete start of the AVIC, I choose Map and need to wait about 60-90 sec for GPS to fix. Even if I switch off the nav for 1 minute and turn it on again gps is looking for gps signal. On original soft or eg. new nav mod the gps signal is on just after start. Can You help me with it ? I even set default_latitude="19.9042640" default_longitude="50.0768265" on my sys.txt but it didnt help :/
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