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Everything posted by dylanc1

  1. After reading other posts with similar issues to kinda of get an idea of what was going on, I did some more fiddling. What I currently THINK is going on in my car is that when I put the key in and turn it to start, the key passes through 'ACC', through, 'ON' and finally to 'START'. So basically the unit gets power starting when the key is in ACC, which is a few milliseconds before the starter cranks. With most remote starts, this gap is much longer, as the remote start energizes things one by one - including any key bypass modules etc. Anyways, what I think is going on is that the unit
  2. nope, about half the time it remembers everything - song it was playing, play settings (random, repeat, etc.) as well as what screen it was on last. Your probably have the same problem as me, just more severe so its 100% of the time. Try this - play a song and then turn the car off. Then turn your car to on ar acc but dont crank the engine. Im willing to bet your unit will go to the screen and the song it was last on. If this is the case, its gotta be a voltage drop issue that happens when all the power goes to the starter
  3. About half the time I start my car, the 700BT forgets what song (on the SD card) it left off on, and starts at the same song over and over again. It also forgets that I have it set to "random". At first I figured perhaps when the starter is cranking, the constant voltage was dropping low enough that it disrupted the volatile memory in the unit, which would store things like settings and last song played etc. However, my radio presets are never lost, so why would those save but not the other settings? I know that if you disconnect the cars battery you lose the radio presets, so the prese
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