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Everything posted by vegeto2k222

  1. resupported4 works perfectly for me, with my d3 and iphone 4. Try restarting your phone or reinstalling it. I tested it with several diff't apps and they all seem to work
  2. download resupported4 from Cydia and you can output any video, including 3rd part videos like Netflix and Vevo, onto another screen.
  3. If I get this wire I can't use the touchscreen to control my iPod anymore? Has anyone ever tried the pass-through device that stanghater posted http://www.cablejive.com/products/dockStubz.html It looks like he works for the site since that's all I've seen him post so I can't really take his word it works.
  4. It actually did work for me today. I did a respring, but I guess my phone needed a full reboot like you mentioned. However, it works kinda weird. When I plug it in the not compatibly warning still pops up. Then when I got to switch songs the song doesn't play and it just says stop. Then on my iphone it asks me if i want it to display on tv and I hit yes. Then i can choose the video. Is there an easier way to watch videos? Or do I have to do this everytime? Also, how do I watch youtube videos? This is also annoying when I don't want to watch videos, but just listen to music. I h
  5. Hey I downloaded this app but it doesn't seem to work for me. I have the regular avic d3 wires, but it continues to say my iphone is not supported and won't play video, just audio. Can you give me a small step-by-step guide as to what you exactly do? Maybe I'm not doing something very simple. It would be great to watch videos on my avic-d3 from my iphone
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